Our God family!

SCRIPTURE: Philemon 1
“No longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother…” (Philemon 1:16)
Jesus changes the way we relate to each other.
Our world likes to divide people into categories and statuses.
Everyone has their place in the caste system (even if we deny there is one).
You will see the pecking order wherever you go, among children and adults.
Paul is appealing to Philemon to see his runaway slave as a restored brother.
Paul does not advocate revolution against the slavery system of the day.
But the good news of Jesus does result in breaking down these walls and barriers.
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. (Colossians 3:11)
Has the love of Jesus changed how we see others – not as categories but as family?
Which category do I still use for people (natives, muslims, newfies, homeless, atheists)?
Can I receive them as my brothers and sisters, in need of Christ like me?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know that other believers are my brothers and sisters. But help me to see that all people are, though they have not all found their way back to our Father. Help me to receive all people with love.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Be an encourager.
    Thank others for their service for the people of God.
    Love one another.
    Oneness in Christ Jesus.
    Sons and daughters of the Lord by adoption. All are His. Children of the Kingdom. Kingdom kids – that’s who we are. All of the same family. And our relationship works on the JOY principle –
    Jesus first
    Others second
    Yourself last.
    Then all of God’s people can be truly joyfilled in the Lord.

    Verse 1
    The joy of the Lord is my strength
    The joy of the Lord is my strength
    The joy of the Lord is my strength
    The joy of the Lord is my strength

    Verse 2
    The word of faith is nigh thee
    Even in thy mouth
    The word of faith is nigh thee
    Even in thy mouth
    The word of faith is nigh thee
    Even in thy mouth
    The joy of the Lord is my strength

    Verse 3
    He gives me living water
    And I thirst no more
    He gives me living water
    And I thirst no more
    He gives me living water
    And I thirst no more
    The joy of the Lord is my strength

    Verse 4
    Since you have His joy
    You may shout with it
    Since you have His joy
    You may dance with it
    Since you have His joy
    You may laugh with it
    The joy of the Lord is my strength

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