Extolling the greatness of Jesus!

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 1-2
“The important thing is that in every way… Christ is preached.| (Philippians 1:18)
Paul doesn’t mind being imprisoned and mistreated, if Christ is preached.
Paul is prepared to live or die, what matters is that Christ is preached.
I find the picture that Paul presents of Christ here very inspiring.
This is the Jesus I want to communicate too, not the churchy Jesus.
Jesus ‘explained’ is nowhere as impressive as Jesus exalted.
Paul is not talking about sermons, evangelism programs or gospel presentations.
He is talking about everyday ordinary witness, you and me sharing our joy in Jesus.
That every person brag on Jesus, showing in any way possible the excellency of Jesus.
As Jesus followers, we are not looking for glory for ourselves, but for Jesus.
We want everyone to know why He is the greatest thing since… well, ever.
And every circumstance in life – even suffering – can be an opportunity to shine for Jesus.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for emptying Yourself that I might be filled to overflowing. Instead of grumbling, may I glow with You in this dark, dreary world.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    How do others see me?
    Paul thanks the Lord every time he remembers the Philippians because of their partnership with the Gospel. He prays for them for their testimony. I must do the same. Spread the Good News. Pray for the ‘brothers.’ Stand firm in the faith. Live for Jesus always and in all things.

    Live the JOY principle – Jesus – Others – Yourself. Live with integrity. Serve Him with all sincerity. Stand up for Jesus always and in all circumstances. Encourage one another. Put Christ first.

    May others see the Light shining in me always as I live for Him.

    Here in the presence of the Lord,
    Here in this holy place, giving him thanks
    For all he does, quietly seeking his face.
    So many time we’ve seen his hand,
    Guiding each step of the way.
    God put us here to make a stand,
    to serve him every day.

    We will serve him for the rest of our days,
    We will serve him with the highest of praise.
    We’ll be his witness, no matter the cost.
    We’ll be his beacon, his light to the lost.
    We will serve the Lord our God.
    For the rest of our days.

    He is the light at break of dawn,
    He is the one true way. He is our strength
    When hope is gone, he shepherds us when we stray.
    God gave to us his only son, the selfless sacrifice.
    How can we pay for all he’s done, when Jesus paid the price?

    We will serve him for the rest of our days,
    We will serve him with the highest of praise.
    We’ll be his witness, no matter the cost.
    We’ll be his beacon, his light to the lost.
    We will serve the Lord our God.

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