All washed up!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 10:44-48
“Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water.” (Acts 10:47)
I have a very simple view on the symbol of baptism.
Grace is not tied to the symbol, the symbol points to grace.
There’s nothing supernatural about the water, it is not ‘holy water’.
It’s like a wedding ring, which symbolizes the vows but does not make the marriage.
You can get married without wedding rings; you can be ‘graced’ without baptism.
Too often I find Christians too worked up about the particulars of the symbol.
How and when to baptize, who to baptize, how much water, who may baptize…
My concern is not when or how a person was baptized, but how they experienced Jesus.
If Jesus is not a real, life-impacting presence in their life, then baptism matters little.
Someone baptized as an infant is not somehow a lesser Christian, or unfaithful.
Is the Spirit of Jesus present and at work… if so, praise God.
If helpful, use the symbol of baptism (even repeat it), to encourage them in their faith.
If a person is not baptized, don’t sweat it, God is not limited by our symbols.
**Read here about how the Salvation Army does not normally practice baptism.**
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You that Your work is not bound by our limitations. Help us to focus on You and Your Spirit, and not on our religious traditions or practices.


  1. I was only baptized as a baby and I’ve had more than one person tell me that I’m not truly baptized then because I didn’t make the call. Even as I seem to be hit with one thing after another, someone else today suggested that if I became fully baptized. These things wouldn’t happen because it’s an act of cleansing myself from my own sin which would mean these “bad news” situations wouldn’t happen. Though I think she’s mixed up because being baptized now or not doesn’t change life’s circumstances. I don’t need to be baptized in order for God to love me and to be a born again “Christian”. It is all about grace and His grace. (That’s my rant for today) 🙂

  2. Observation/Application
    God is the answer for all. Even the Gentiles of the day had hear the Good News. It was the news of the day. Jesus had made His presence and message felt throughout the land by His Spirit. He did good. When God is with His people – by His people in tune with Him – great things can be accomplished. Words and deeds go together. As Peter broke the mold by accepting Gentiles as part of God’s people, all people, denominations must be accepted by me. God’s church universal is diverse and all who accepts Christ as Saviour are part of His church. It is that simple.

    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.
    Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.

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