the messiah we’ve been expecting

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 11
‘Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?’ [Matthew 11:3] Is Jesus the expected messiah, the one that the Jews were eagerly anticipating? Jesus answers John’s question with a reference to the signs and wonders that were expected to be performed when the messiah came – in other words, YES!

We need a messiah. We need help. The problem of sin is too serious to fix ourselves. No government, no political theory, no army, no cultural or social or political system, can establish peace on earth. Unless God steps in, it won’t happen. History proves this.

Not only do we need a messiah, I need a messiah. I need God’s help. The sooner I come to realize that life is doomed apart from God and His help, the better.

Jesus is not the kind of messiah that people were expecting. The Jews themselves grumbled about how he operated. And many (most?) rejected Him when He came to visit their towns. Even the miracles didn’t convince them. It seems the only people that welcomed Jesus were the fringe members of society (the weak, the poor, the sick, the young, the women, etc). Jesus is actually pleased with this, and thanks for this God in His prayer.

Not until we are humbled, weak and weary of life on our own, that we are able to heed His invitation to surrender to Him and His yoke. Then, and only then, will we find rest for our souls.

Yes, we need a messiah. I need a messiah. But am I prepared to receive Him as He is? Am I prepared to humble myself before Him, surrender to Him and follow His way – even if to seems contrary to my natural desires?

People had everything they needed to recognize the messiah, expect the humility of hearts. This is the most urgent need, to be humble enough to admit our need for help, and to surrender to His merciful love.

Lord, humble me, so that I can come to You as I ought to.


  1. LORD, forgive us for the way we live our lives – so busy, so cluttered, chasing things that just don’t matter. All these things keep us from seeing You, our Messiah. Give us eyes LORD to see You so that we can truly understand what matters most- a relationship with You. Our hearts must be devoted to You first! Then and only then do we have the right perspective on our life. “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” MATT 6:33

    Heavenly Father, forgive us for making life what we have made it – so opposite from what You intended it to be. Thank You LORD that it’s never too late to surrender to You, it’s never too late for You to change me. LORD, reveal the things of my life that keep me from seeing You, knowing You, experiencing You, loving and serving You as You desire. Grant me all that I need to change. I know that my Redeemer lives, help to me to live this with all my heart, soul and mind.

  2. John asked the question, Are you the One who was to come? The reply was was What do you hear and see? Once again, the people have eyes but do not see nor ears and do not hear. But Jesus hears the cries of His people and He naswers them He heard John and John heard Him. But did the crowds hear Him? The religious leaders of the day did not hear Him. Nor did they see Him. They all had preconceived notions how the Christ would be.

    As Abraham entertained angels and did not know it, help me walk this day with You. Help me to see You each day and hear Your voice so I will follow the Way in which to walk. May I be as a small child and place my small hand in Yours as You lead me each day where I should go. As You used John and Moses and Samuel – they all heard Your voice, help me to hear how You would use me this day to serve You. As You heard Your people cry and responded, work in my heart so I may see You this day and respond to the task ahead.

    I have made my choice to follow Christ each day,
    I am Thine for service, Lord;
    Tho’ I sometimes falter on the thorny way,
    I am Thine for service, Lord.


    Thine for service when the days are drear,
    Thine for service when the skies are clear;
    Yes, Thine for service thro’ the coming years,
    I am Thine for service, Lord.

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