can comfort kill the soul?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 10
Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. [Matthew 10:28]. Don’t be afraid? Listen to what these disciples were heading into? In comparison, the things that I am afraid of are nothing! If I knew that I might die doing this, would I still do it?

It’s as if Jesus is training them now for the worse that is to come. No food, no extra clothes, no walking stick? These are unnecessary, self-imposed hardships, aren’t they? Why force them to start the hard way? My sense is that Jesus is preparing for the worst to come. One day they would be dragged before the courts, falsely accused, threatened death, and eventually killed. Their families did turn against them. They did lose their belongings, as well as those who were precious to them. In comparison, I look at my safe life. And I wonder whether I have removed all the risks? Maybe I need to choose some unnecessary, self-imposed hardships.

What are the things I am afraid of? Making phone calls, talking to my neighbours, speaking in front of a friendly audience, paying too much for gas, facing a tight economic situation (nothing compared to the starvation experienced by many worldwide)?

I find this passage a shake-up for my comfortable perspective. Not that my present situation is bad, but have I been lulled into complacency, has my witness lost my edge? If I am His student, am I like Him? Or do I avoid all situations that my lead to my facing hardship? Do I design my life so that I am not threat to the kingdom of darkness, and therefore not a target?

Maybe I should be more afraid of being comfortable, of being well-liked, of being too much at home in this world? Jesus says that others cannot touch my soul. But I can touch it, I can affect it, I can starve it. Is my soul slowly dying in apathy, complacency, lukewarmness?

Maybe my time at crossroads is my opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone. Maybe I need some unnecessary, self-imposed hardships to stretch and train my faith.

Lord, You are sending me. If I am to be like You, then I need to stretch myself beyond my comfort zone. Show me where, show me how!


  1. I guess I am getting tied up with your phrase “self-imposed hardships”

    What I am battling is this … how do I die to the flesh? How do I become dead to my sins?

    I find this struggle is almost as overwhelming as my attempts to save myself. If only God can save me, then can only God put to death this sinful flesh? And how does God go about doing that? Or are we only released from this battle when we are released from this body itself?

  2. I don’t think we have to inflict self-imposed hardships – God will look after that if that is truely what is needed to develop character and preparation for the work ahead.

    Embracing all that He has given you is what we need to do.

    When people see our lives lived out fully with the joy and thankfulness of what God has granted us – then it is impossible for us to lose our witness for Him.

    There is a time for all things – use this time to the fullest!

  3. Jesus calls and gives the authority. All his disciples need to go forward in that power. He also gives them their task – to preach the gospel and heal the sick. God would also give them the words they needed to speak. But the Lord also showed them to depend upon Him for all ther needs, including physical. They were not to take anything along for the journey. God would provide. Certainly different for His missionaries today who need to raise the money before they embark.

    Stand firm. The Lord God is with you wherever you go giving the very words to say. Do not be afraid. You are mine. But all too often I depend on my own resources, fearful of a new situation, loss of words, timid in proclaiming my Christ. Help me Lord to stand up and share the good news. You are my God and I need to place all trust in You for You will give me all the resources I need to serve You. Increase my faith in You so that I do stand up for Jesus.

    Standing, standing,
    Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
    Standing, standing,
    I’m standing on the promises of God.

    Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
    When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
    By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
    Standing on the promises of God.

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