
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 1-4
“So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.” (Galatians 3:24)
When our kids were small, we had household rules:
— don’t touch the stereo, be home before dark, don’t play with knives
The Law of Moses (what Paul means by ‘law’) was like these rules, temporary, for their protection.
Now that our kids are older, those rules are done – but the moral law still applies.
Do not kill, hate, or steal – my kids do not obey these because they are under my authority.
They obey these because they are old enough to understand the spirit of the Law, the law of love.
Paul is agitated because these Christians are returning to the household rules (Moses’ law).
Those laws were temporary, until Jesus came offering forgiveness for failure and power to obey.
The Spirit of God is our assurance that we are forgiven, and free (able) to live for God.
The GOOD NEWS is that we do not need religion to please God, He is already pleased with us.
Stop living under religion, enter the joyful fellowship of God’s forgiveness and freedom.
Allow His Spirit to produce the God life – the life of Christ – in you.
Once you taste that, why would you want the chains of religion again?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do not need to perform for You. I love You, I want to live with You, like You, for You. I want to enjoy the freedom of Your good news grace.

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