God’s mercy for His missionaries

SCRIPTURE: Acts 5:27-32
“That he might bring Israel to repentance and forgive their sins.” (Acts 5:31)
This verse does not mean that God is ONLY concerned about the Jewish people.
God’s mission from the beginning was to bless the world THROUGH Israel.
“I will bless you… and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3)
But what happens when your appointed leaders fail?
This has been God’s constant problem, from Adam to the Israelites to the religious leaders of Jesus’ day.
The problem continues with the church today, failing to be the blessing we’ve been blessed to be.
God had to send the Messiah to be Prince and Saviour because no other human could succeed.
Thankfully there is grace and mercy; God gives us plenty of opportunities to repent, be forgiven and restored.
But restored to what, restored as what… as God chosen agents of blessing for the world.
God will once again give His Spirit (Genesis 2:7) to those who join Jesus in caring for God’s garden.
But we must repent for failing to live up to our calling, failing to be His faithful ambassadors of blessing.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, again and again we forget our mission, and we fail to be a blessing. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy, but also for Your Spirit. Help us overcome our laziness and selfishness, and be the blessing people You created and saved us to be.

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