SCRIPTURE: Psalm 132
For the Jews before Jesus time, the temple was the symbol of their hope.
It reminded them of God’s commitment to them – He lived among them.
It reminded them of their glorious past, and David their devoted ancestor.
Since Jesus’ time, the temple has been replaced.
Jesus Himself is the temple among us – God living with us.
But more than that, we are the temples of God – God living in us.
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
As Jesus followers, we pray to God in Jesus’ Name (the Son of David).
We turn to the one within us for mercy, His help, His strength, His intervention.
We do not need to go anywhere, we can pray in the temple of our heart!
As we seek to be true to God, God is true to us, and will bless us.
And our heads will be “adorned with a radiant crown” (yes Talia, you have a crown!).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord Jesus, I do not deserve this, yet You crown with me the glory of God, You connect me to the presence of God, You fill me with the blessing of God. I sing for joy!!!
Yay I have an invisible crown even if I don’t look like the gorgeous Princess Kate! 🙂
Where is God in my life? How do I daily recognize His presence by my actions? I need to live for Jesus in all I do and say. I need to be a living letter of Christ living in me.
God keeps His promises and so must I. He is always with me – reminds me of s song – God is everywhere. Therefore I am always in His ‘temple’ worshiping Him who gives me the power and strength to let my light shine. Daily, I must clothe myself with His gifts given to me.
You are in the city
You are in the country
You are on the hills
And You are in the valleys
Oh, oh, where can I run away to?
Oh, oh, I cannot escape you
Oh, oh, even in the darkness
Oh, oh, I can never hide from
You, You, You,
You are everywhere
You, You, You,
You are everywhere
Powerful, invisible, incredible God
You’re everywhere
You are in the quiet
You are in the shadows
You are in the spotlight