Through Jesus, through us!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 3:11-26
“Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything.” (Acts 3:21)
Peter and John’s boldness is in stark contrast to their fear before Jesus died.
Jesus is alive, Jesus is in heaven… either they’re nuts, or they’re telling the truth.
They are not just on fire about ‘forgiveness’ or ‘going to heaven’.
They know God is using Jesus and them to bless the nations…
To bring times of refreshing to the whole world, to restore God’s creation paradise.
Once again, God has placed His ‘Adam’ on the throne to make His creation ‘very good’.
This miracle is a sign of what God wants to do for everyone – through Jesus, through us.
Like Peter and John, I want to be help share this good news by blessing people in Jesus Name.
I want Jesus’ followers to be known for blessing – not judging, not hiding, not hypocrisy.
This is our job until Jesus’ returns, to be witnesses of Who He is.
Look for ways today that you can show people God’s plan to bless and restore the world.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we have been blessed to be a blessing. You are on the throne, but You are exercising Your rule through us, by the Spirit. Help me to see the opportunities today to bless people in Your Name.


  1. Thanks Tony and Talia!
    Talia, just a reminder that when God calls us to be the ‘Adam’ we were created to be, He does this AFTER He has forgiven us through Jesus. God knows we cannot do it perfectly, His grace takes care of that. All that He asks is that we try. And when we fail or do things imperfectly, we admit it and keep going. God takes our weak efforts (like walking in the rain) and magnifies them, uses them. All of Jesus’ commands come to us in the context of grace. You are not off-topic, this is right on. It’s all about grace, a grace that motivates us to obedience because we know with God we cannot fail, even if we mess up!
    “I still can be used, my sin and all doesn’t own me or have to hold me down.” AMEN!!!!
    Because grace always picks us up!

  2. Sometimes I find this very hard. Being the ‘Adam’ that we were created to be. I often think what should I do if I can’t be the Adam God wants? All I can do is bless the lives of others by being a grain of salt in this messed up world. Like today for example, it’s pouring and it’s windy but a co-worker needed to go for a run as she’s going through a rough time. My first reaction was to say “it’s pouring!” but God reminded me that even though I can’t be the Adam He originally planned, I still can be used, my sin and all doesn’t own me or have to hold me down.

    I didn’t complain but instead “sure, let’s do it.” In the scheme grand of things, I’ll get wet. Is that really important when it comes to being there for someone?

    We tend to beat ourselves up when we look at our failures and mess, but what we should do is be open enough and trusting enough that God will use us, sin-infested and all as we have been made new again. Ok, so this was off topic, my bad. Good post though! 🙂

  3. Observation/Application
    What a miracle! Not only in the healing of the man but also in Peter’s sermon – a concise summary of the recent past happenings. WOW!
    Repent and believe and restore.
    God will restore – making all things new.
    Open your ears/our ears and listen.
    To listen is to do.
    I must do like Peter and be an instrument of His peace bring His word and deed to all.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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