We depend on God for life!

We will look at Romans 10-11 tomorrow.
“It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” (Romans 9:16)
The key to life is not independence but dependence on God.
A fish may boldly declare ‘I’m free’ as it jumps from the water and flops on the beach.
A plant may attempt to uproot itself from it’s earthen limitations… but they will die.
Who are objects of God’s mercy, but those who sink their roots into His life-giving soil.
Who are objects of God’s wrath, but those who stubbornly reject the water of life.
God has sovereignly determined to let the humble live and the stubborn perish.
We depend on God’s mercy, God’s grace, God’s blessing, God’s power.
Paul’s frustration is that the Hebrews, who were so extremely blessed, refused to accept it.
Paul’s heart breaks (like God’s) for them, but in the end God gives them what they want for themselves.
Are you closing your heart to God’s mercy and love, or are you sincerely seeking it?
That is the difference between the spirit of ‘Jacob’ and the spirit of ‘Esau’.
“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done.” All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.” (C.S.Lewis)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are God’s desperate attempt to break the stubbornness of closed hearts. You are the greatest expression of God’s mercy. My heart breaks for those who flop on the beach.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The Rock.
    Safe and secure.
    That Rock is either a Stepping Stone or a Stumbling Block because of the people’s heart. Our hearts can not be as stone – hardened and lifeless – set in our own way. Our hearts must be malleable, being formed by the Master into His will. I am a vessel for His purpose. I am a creation to show His glory.
    As the Lord’s prayer also tells me ‘Thy will be done.’ Mot mine but all for Jesus.

    All for Jesus–all for Jesus,
    this our song shall ever be;
    for we have no hope, nor Savior,
    if we have not hope in thee.

    All for Jesus–thou wilt give us
    strength to serve thee, hour by hour,
    none can move us from thy presence,
    while we trust thy love and power.

    All for Jesus–at thine altar
    thou wilt give us sweet content;
    there, dear Lord, we shall receive thee
    in the solemn sacrament.

    All for Jesus–thou hast loved us;
    all for Jesus–thou hast died;
    all for Jesus–thou art with us;
    all for Jesus crucified.

    All for Jesus–all for Jesus–
    this the Church’s song must be;
    till, at last, her sons are gathered
    one in love and one in thee.

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