You must follow me!

SCRIPTURE: John 21:15-23
“What is that to you? You must follow me.” (John 21:22)
Three times Peter denies Jesus, three times Jesus recommissions Peter.
Jesus is not rubbing it in, He is matching His grace to Peter’s failure.
The Lord knows each one of us personally, our strengths and our weaknesses.
He invites us all, just as we are, but He does not leave us this way.
He fashions out of Peter a dynamic missionary for the kingdom of God.
Sometimes we compare ourselves to other Jesus followers.
Why do I have to go through these trials, why do others seem to have it easier?
Never mind, says Jesus, your journey is custom-made for you… you must follow me!
Jesus’ kingdom purpose for me is different from yours, and yours from mine.
My business is not to figure out someone else’s purpose, but to fulfill mine.
I have called you to this time, this life, this situation… you must follow me!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have been invited to follow You and care for Your sheep to. Help me to be faithful where I am, and to rely on Your grace when I fail or struggle.

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