Off with our swords!

SCRIPTURE: John 18:1-11
“Put your sword away!” (John 18:11)
When it comes to doing God’s work, ‘put your sword away’.
Sadly, Christians have not always heeded this.
Using weapons and force to advance the good news of Jesus.
If not physical weapons, other forms of pressure or intimidation.
This is NOT Jesus way, nor should it be the way of His followers.
God could have sent an army, but instead He sent a humble servant.
God’s way of fighting evil is overcoming it with goodness.
It seems weak, it seems foolish, yet this is how Jesus won.
The way we draw people to Jesus is by loving, serving, sharing, caring.
By remaining humble, patient, forgiving, and kind even to our enemies.
Cutting off peoples ears (or heads) is NOT God’s way of establishing His kingdom!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, whether it is fear or pride or anger that leads us to violence, it is not You. Help me to show the world Your better way of love, mercy, kindness, forgiveness.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The danger is from within – from those claiming to be the righteous. Remember Jesus? He knew what Judas would do. He knew who would come and take Him away. He knew that the disciples would have a lapse of memory. And yet He was obedient to His Father.
    When His captors came, there were taken aback and fell down. Jesus had the power, but He was obedient to His death. His kingdom does not come by force or power.
    When adversity strikes, how do I respond?
    Fear? Panic? Fight? Be like a Peter and put up the sword?
    Trust, hope, rely on the living God Who is in charge and will bring healing for it is in His Kingdom I live and one day it will be complete.

    Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth,
    And from it I will not depart;
    That I may steadfastly obey,
    Give me an understanding heart.

    In Thy commandments make me walk,
    For in the law my joy shall be;
    Give me a heart that loves Thy will,
    From discontent and envy free.

    Turn Thou my eyes from vanity,
    And cause me in Thy ways to tread;
    O let Thy servant prove Thy Word,
    And thus to godly fear be led.

    Turn Thou away reproach and fear,
    Thy righteous judgments I confess;
    To know Thy precepts I desire,
    Revive me in Thy righteousness.

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