intentionally backwards

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 48
And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. But many Israelites—those for whom the Kingdom was prepared—will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8:11-12) God’s blessing does not go as expected. Joseph expected the firstborn to be blessed, not the second one. The Israelites expected themselves (God’s firstborn children) to enjoy the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob… not the Gentiles (outsiders, second-born).

God always seems to do things contrary to human expectations. This is not just because God loves to be contrary, but because He is defying worldly values. We value the best, the first, the strong, the rich, the healthy, the beautiful, the successful, etc. But God chooses the weak, the poor, the uneducated, to sinful, the sickly, the unexpected. Those who are first end up being last, and those last end up being first. The lesson in this is not to attempt to be last in order to be first. Rather, we need to admit our weakness, be humble and content. We are loved not because of our status or place in life, we are loved because God is love. He delights to remind us of this.

God chose the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – not to be the only ones to enjoy the feast because they were better than the rest – but in order to draw others to the feast. They were chosen as missionaries, as a means of grace and blessing. The Jews should have rejoiced that the Gentiles would be enjoying the feast.

Unfortunately, they twisted their special selection into a privilege, rather than a responsibility. Instead of looking out for the others, they looked down on the others. Instead of building bridges, they built walls. They refused the weak, the poor, the needy, the sinful, etc. access to God’s gracious feast. They missed the whole point of their selection.

God loves to put the second first. Jacob knew this, Joseph should have know this too (after all, Rueben was the firstborn). Ephraim discovered this, as did David. May we discover this too… and rejoice!

Lord, I am not loved because of who I am, I am loved because of Who You are! Thank You!

One Comment

  1. LORD, there are just so many ways You are at work in and through our lives- in ways that we have no answers to the many questions that arise; in ways that we don’t even see or realize; ways that are Your ways NOT our ways….

    These scriptures reveal to me once again that even when we face things that seem impossible- You are greatly at work. Nothing is impossible for YOU!

    Thank You LORD that these scriptures reveal once again that there are no qualifications necessary. You use any one You desire to use for Your plans and purposes.

    Thank You LORD that You take the things of our lives and weave them together to create our life story – shaping and molding us to be all that You created us to be; working in and through each and every detail to create an incredible mosaic of Your works. Thank You LORD that others can see what I cannot see because I am too close.

    LORD, may I always have a teachable heart; a heart of surrender so that You may lead and direct my life, painting all the details to create the big picture that only You have eyes to see.

    LORD, when it’s all been said and done, there is just one thing that matters….. did I do my best to live for Truth, did I live my life for You? LORD, let me live my life for You….. Help me live my life for You LORD, especially during those times when nothing seems to make sense, when there are just so many questions that remain unanswered. May I not forget that You are at work in and through every detail and circumstance… LORD, I give my life to You….

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