Friends of God

SCRIPTURE: John 15:9-17
“I have called you friends.” (John 15:15)
God becomes one with humanity through Jesus.
Jesus, Who is God as a human, calls us friends.
Is this appropriate, is this reverent, that we should be friends with God?
This does not mean that we are now God’s equals.
But God does want us to be His partners, His co-workers in the garden.
God’s dream is a loving family, a harmony and cooperation with everyone.
This is what we need to experience the joy we all want, but cannot seem to find.
This is the problem in our world: we lack love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
God’s kingdom (His dream for this world) will not come through force or power.
Jesus’ plan is to raise up more friends, more partners, more people committed to love.
Luke Jesus, we are to go into a world of hate and violence and change it through love.
This is how people will know we are Jesus’ friends: if we love one another.
Hmm, how are we doing, is love what we are known for?
Are we bearing the kind of fruit that honours God and brings joy?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are my friend, and I am yours. But may I not just claim the title, may I also reveal it’s meaning in my life by producing joy through love.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Love. Love Love.
    The Gospel in one word is love.
    Love your sister and your brother.
    We prove our love for God when we do this., when we embrace the cross as Jesus did and laid down His life for them and us. My cross is when my will crosses with God’s will and His will be done. I surrender all.

    True love surrenders all. True love sacrifices for a friend and Jesus calls us His friends – a friend of God. And a friend loves at all times. Jesus is our friend and loves us unconditionally. I need to love others as He has loved me.
    Love God.
    Love neighbour as yourself.
    He has shown the way.
    I need to do the same.

    Love, love, love, love The Gospel in a word is love Love your neighbor as your brother [sister] Love, love, love Love, love, love, love The Gospel in a word is love Love your neighbor as your mother [father] Love, love, love

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