in… and out of Egypt

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 46
That night Joseph left for Egypt with the child and Mary, his mother, and they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.” (Matthew 2:14-15, quoting Hosea 11:1) It seems that what happens to God’s people in the old testament is a foreshadowing (prophetic anticipation) of what was to happen to Jesus. Just as God’s people go to Egypt for a season, so Jesus goes to Egypt for a season.

In other words, God gives clues in the old testament to what He will do ultimately in Jesus. These clues are subtle hints, not clear enough to see through at the time, but evident enough in hindsight, when God finally unveils His plan. Hindsight is 20/20 vision, they say.

For the Israelites in the wilderness with Moses, they had the hindsight of 400 years as slaves in Egypt to see this particular passage (Genesis 46) in a not so positive light. But they could also see how God eventually rescued them miraculously, under Moses, through plagues and the Red Sea, and now through the wilderness. Through it all, the message comes through: wherever God sends us, He will rescue us!

We can take comfort in this as well. Our lives also provide clues, now much clearer because of Jesus, that wherever God sends us, He will rescue us. Neither sin, nor death, nor hell, can hold us, because it could not hold Jesus. He has paved the way through bondage and wilderness to ultimate freedom and blessing. Nothing can separate us from His love… nothing (Romans 8:38-39).

Egypt symbolizes whatever detour our journey takes us on. We may for a season be in a place where it seems we are outside God’s blessing. But He will call us out of Egypt!

Lord, thank You there whatever valley my life goes through, I have the assurance that You lead me THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, to dwell in the house of the Lord, forever!


  1. LORD, thank You for the seasons “in and out of Egypt” that have been apart of my journey for they have taught me over and over again of Your great faithfulness. LORD, prepare my heart for the seasons that yet lay ahead, that I may never forget Your promise that You are with me always, that You will never fail me, that You are LORD over all.

    LORD, thank You for the promise that NOTHING can separate us from Your unfailing, unconditional love! Grant me confidence to be all that You created me to be. LORD, by Your Spirit power, may I not waver but stand firm in my faith – always! LORD, grant me the courage to choose to be holy, set apart for Your Kingdom works, to be used by You; to live the gospel as I journey through this life. May I give testimony to You – not because of what I do; but because of who You are; not because of who I am; but because of what You do!

  2. And so Jacob goes to Egypt land, but God goes with Him. In all of our travels, God is with us, but do I acknowledge that as Jacob did. We did when we went to our spiritual retreat – gathered in prayer before the journey. Gave praises when we reached the end. But what of my journey today? How do I know that I am traveling in His Way if I do not pray? Lead me, Guide me, Lord also on this day in all my travels.

    God was to make Jacob a mighty nation, and here after 250 years time, the geneaology is described. Not a large nation, yet God tells Jacob again, that his family will become a large nation. God keeps His Word. I just need to accept that Word and believe as Jacob did.

    So they were shepherds – an occupation not liked by the people of Egypt. They were to live in a specific region – a people separate from the rest. That’s what God’s people are – set apart to do His will. Help me Lord never to try to fit in the world around me, but to use the gifts and talents for Kingdom service, wherever You have planted me. As You directed Jacab, Joseph, the brothers, continue to direct where I shall walk because You continue to lead and guide Your people also this day.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    The day of march has come;
    Henceforth in fields of conquest
    Thy tents shall be our home.
    Through days of preparation
    Thy grace has made us strong;
    And now, O King eternal,
    We lift our battle song.

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