A reason not to be afraid!

SCRIPTURE: John 14:25-31
“The prince of this world is coming.” (John 30)
Adam and Eve were supposed to be God’s prince’s and princess’.
But they surrendered their position and authority to Satan (Genesis 3).
Now the kingdom of light has become the dominion of darkness.
God’s kingdom is goodness and peace, wisdom and truth.
Satan’s dominion is wickedness and conflict, folly and deception.
Satan had no hold over Adam and Eve; they freely surrendered to him.
Satan had no hold on Jesus; He remained true to God.
Which is why, after He overcomes the curse of death, God’s kingdom is restored.
The Spirit of life is restored, and we are once again God’s prince’s and princess’.
Jesus (the new Adam) brings a kind of peace this world will never find.
Peace with God and peace with self that leads to being peaceful with others.
As Jesus-followers, are to live the Adam kind of love and obedience, with the Spirit’s help.
As we do, Satan is resisted and defeated, and God’s kingdom unfolds even more.
Satan may still be able to hinder and hurt us, but he cannot stop us.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see things as they are: You in charge, me forgiven and restored as God’s royalty, the Spirit of God in me, and Satan defeated!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    God was with Adam and Eve in the Garden.
    God is with His people in the New Testament times. We are never alone.
    Returning home. The Father welcomes any of His who return home. Happiness is being ‘home’ with the Father where He has place for all His children. But the Father and Jesus are One – returning to His rightful place. We too will return to our original place if we but follow Him and His promises. He has shown and told us the Way. Now just do. No greater love does one have than what Christ has done. Listen to Him and follow His way rather than the prince of darkness. Let our LightShine and in that way overcome the darkness. Shine for Christ for He has enabled us. InHis name we are more than conquerors for He has promised.
    Go forward.
    Live for Jesus.
    Follow His Way.
    He enables.

    O Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end;
    Be thou for ever near me,
    My Master and my Friend:
    I shall not fear the battle
    If thou art by my side,
    Nor wander from the pathway
    If thou wilt be my guide.

    O let me feel thee near me:
    The world is ever near;
    I see the sights that dazzle,
    The tempting sounds I hear;
    My foes are ever near me,
    Around me and within;
    But, Jesus, draw thou nearer,
    And shield my soul from sin.

    O let me hear thee speaking
    In accents clear and still,
    Above the storms of passion,
    The murmurs of self-will;
    O speak to reassure me,
    To hasten or control;
    O speak, and make me listen,
    Thou guardian of my soul.

    O Jesus, thou hast promised
    To all who follow thee,
    That where thou art in glory
    There shall thy servant be;
    And, Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end:
    O give me grace to follow,
    My Master and my friend.

    O let me see thy foot-marks,
    And in them plant mine own;
    My hope to follow duly
    Is in thy strength alone:
    O guide me, call me, draw me,
    Uphold me to the end;
    And then in heaven receive me,
    My Saviour and my friend.

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