Satan wants in too

SCRIPTURE: John 13:18-30
“As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.” (John 13:27)
Judas has been struggling.
Should he keep following this lame messiah?
The Pharisees have approached him: betray Jesus for gold.
Judas likes money, which is why he was the money-keeper (see John 12:6)
Judas is conflicted, until Jesus acts like a lowly servant, washing their feet.
He is supposed to be a mighty warrior, not a lame door mat.
Then Jesus all but calls him out, speaking about a betrayer in their midst.
Satan takes this opportunity to push Judas as hard as he can.
All the reasons to leave Jesus flood through Judas’ mind.
And his defences crumble, he gives in to Satan’s lies.
He opens his heart to his negative thinking, and Satan steps in.
Like ‘water torture’, Satan repeatedly comes at us with negative ideas (fiery darts).
Then, when the opportunity is right, he throws all his deceptive weight at us.
Jesus wants to be Lord in our hearts, but Satan does too… and he has no scruples about how he gets there.
Where are his negative thoughts weakening my defences?
Satan wants to bring us down, are we aware of his schemes?
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, remind us how the enemy works, not to frighten us but to equip us. Remind us that as long as You are in us, Satan cannot be.


  1. If He wasn’t, you wouldn’t even be asking the question. It is Jesus in you that keeps on seeking and wondering. Judas was struggling for a long time, stealing from the money box, etc, and yet Jesus still loved him and washed his feet. Jesus is here for everyone – only those who consciously choose and adamantly refuse Jesus experience His absence. It is not how strong we are that makes us worthy of Jesus in us, it is our weakness, and our willingness to admit it. If you can’t believe it for yourself, talk to people who know you — we know Jesus is in you, we sense it for sure!

  2. I am so much like Judas that even if I believe because Jesus is in me, that still I’m one that can be devoured because it’s much easier to believe the thoughts then to tackle the lies head on. You almost get to a point where you don’t know what’s truth anymore. Then it brings up the question. Is Jesus really in me?

  3. Observation/Application
    All knowing and yet . . .
    Here the disciples are at a meal – that indicates fellowship and hospitality. And Judas is also there sharing with them and Jesus knows what he is going to do. Yet Christ lets him fellowship. Jesus loved His disciple to the very end. Christ was faithful. Am I?
    Peter gives the quick answer as usual but his heart was in the right place. Judas was calculating and needed to give his heart to Christ as Peter did. However he went his own way the way of a deceiver. And yet Christ showed him His love to the end.
    Christ’s grace is sufficient for all whoa crept Him as Saviour. Our eyes do not sees as Jesus did. We need to practise hospitality to all. Jesus will do the rest. I need to follow and He will take care of me. Believe and go forward in His name and power and He will take care of me.

    I walk today in the Christian way,
    Though dangers I may see;
    I will not fear for the Lord is near,
    And He will care for me.

    No matter what happens, He will care for me;
    He will care for me, He will care for me.
    And His mighty hand will enable me to stand,
    No matter what happens to me.

    No test I face but sufficient grace
    Is ready for my need;
    When sorrows rise to obscure my skies,
    He proves a friend indeed.

    He will not fail in the strongest gale
    That stormy winds can blow;
    And in His grace is a hiding place
    Unknown to any foe.

    I trust in Him though disasters grim
    Before me seem to be;
    He calms my fears, and He dries my tears,
    And faithful is to me.

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