Listen to the doctor

SCRIPTURE: John 12:44-50
“If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” (John 12:47)
We all hear the reminders about healthy weight, healthy diet and exercise.
My doctor has reminded me of this as well.
He is not judging me, just letting me know the facts.
His words could lead to healthier, happier living, if I would pay attention.
“I know that his command leads to eternal life.” (John 12:50)
A time will come when the reminders become warnings… and when it will be too late.
Jesus speaks words of life and truth and hope and healing.
What He says is what God says – they agree on this.
Make sure you are living healthy lives, not only physically by spiritually.
Jesus is not judging us, He is lovingly reminding us, he is gently warning us.
What do we do with His message; what do I do with my doctor’s message?
If I don’t sense the seriousness of what they say, I won’t act on it.
It often takes a dramatic experience to open our eyes.
Really, if I am honest, it is foolish to ignore the words of my doctor.
I will have no one to blame but myself if/when that physical/spiritual crisis occurs.
Is it any less foolish to ignore the words of our Saviour, of our God Who loves us?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this passage makes me wonder why I do not take You – and my doctor – more seriously. Thank You for not judging me, but loving me enough to tell me the facts of life.


  1. At least your not the only one who does this. My doctor last week told me I need to slow down and stop working constantly because my body can’t keep up and that’s what results in my fainting. Though, I’m stubborn and don’t take his advice and continue to do as much as I can. I know I should listen to him and do what he says because it’s not till I wound up in a hospital that I say “should have listened”. Thanks for this!

  2. Observation/Application
    Jesus is the Light of the world. Light reveals. Light gives warmth. Light gives life and makes things grow. To have no light means death. Jesus did not come to bring death but Life to all who believed. He did not come to judge but came to bring life/salvation. Not doing His Word will bring death and destruction. But doing His Word brings life, hope, warmth, growth, joy, peace, living eternally with Him.
    Help me this day Lord and always to walk in Your ‘SonShine’ and make my LightShine for Jesus in all I do and say. Let Your Word be my Guide. Lead me and guide me always. Open my eyes of my heart Lord.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)

    The right word to say,
    the best move to make
    Who’s in need of a helping hand
    For Your perfect ways are worthy of praise
    I delight just to do Your plan

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat to beginning)

    Help me to know Your will

    Help me to know Your will

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