I need Jesus!

Yesterday I encouraged the crossroads community to spend some time reflecting on the 5 qualities of a Jesus-follower (and of a dynamic church).
I decided I should probably do this for myself.
The first and foundational quality needed to be a disciple is…
A deep awareness of our need for Jesus.
Do I sense that I need Jesus?
Maybe it would be helpful to reflect on WHY I need Jesus?

There are many reasons why I need Jesus, here are a few…

  • I need Jesus just to exist. According to the bible, I exist because of Him, and or Him, and in Him my life holds together (Colossians 1:16-17).
  • I need Jesus to connect to God. God is infinite, we are finite. Only by revealing Himself to us through the Word of God (Who in His incarnate form is Jesus) can we experience and relate to God at all.
  • I need Jesus to be reconnected to God. Sin has separated me from God, I am out of fellowship with Him. My guilt and shame represent insurmountable barriers between God and me. I need grace, I need mercy, I need forgiveness… I need Jesus.
  • I need Jesus to save me from sin, death and hell. I know my heart better than you, but not better than God. God knows my heart best of all, and I sense that what He knows is not good. I am sin-sick, and I need help. As it stands now, if nothing changes, I am heading towards disaster. But Jesus saves me from the wages of sin, death and hell.
  • I need Jesus to fill me with the Spirit. Alienated from God, my inner being is empty, without the energizing presence of the Spirit of God. Life is dull, empty, depleted, draining, hopeless… but in Jesus I receive His Spirit and His life, and I am renewed!
  • I need Jesus to show me the better way. All I know from myself and from others is the sin and self driven life. Only in Jesus do I see the way of selflessness, humility, compassion, grace, generosity.
  • I need Jesus to correct me when I am wrong, or foolish. There are always people ready to point out my flaws, but only Jesus does it with a pure, loving authority and concern. Somehow when I sense His convicting touch, it feels good, even though its hard.
  • I need Jesus to save me from my stupid self. Time and time again I fall and do stupid things, and time and time again He looks at me firmly, forgives me, and helps me up again. I am so glad that I have Jesus to help me get up again.
  • I need Jesus to brighten my days. Some days things are bright, but I do have my shadow days, days when I feel like quitting. On those days, I look at Him and I have hope again. Its still dark, but His light breaks through, and I keep going, because of Him.
  • I need Jesus to have healthy self-esteem. Sometimes I feel too good about myself, sometimes I am too hard on myself. Jesus sees me just as I am, the good and the bad and the ugly. I am what I am, not more, not less, and He reminds me of who I am.
  • I need Jesus… just like everyone else. I am no better or worse than others. How can I judge or criticize others for doing stupid things, when I do them too. How can I feel better than others, when I know that the only reason I am what I am is because of Jesus mercy and grace. How can I belittle myself around others. They are what they are, I am what I am – we all are equal at the feet of Jesus.
  • I need Jesus to succeed. I can’t make my family successful, I can’t make my church successful, I can’t save people who are perishing, I can’t stop people from wrecking their lives, I can’t protect my family from all harm, I can’t fix people who are messed up, I can’t heal the sick, I can’t … you get the point. But He can.
  • I need Jesus to resist sin. I need His power, His example, His warning, His encouragement. I need Him as my mentor, my guide, as well as my source of strength.
  • I need Jesus to help me resist the devil. I have experienced the devil, and I know spiritual warfare from personal experience. Though I naievely act sometime like I can make it on my own, deep down I know I need His help, His protection.
  • I need Jesus to become all that God created and saved me to be. He shows me what I am supposed to be, what I was created for, and what I will one day be. With His help and direction, that is what I will be, one day!
  • I need Jesus to get through each day. Do I enter each day assuming I can make it? Stupid. Whether I realize it, or acknowledge it or not, I need Jesus to make it through each day.
  • I need Jesus to refocus my life. He gives me a reason for living, beyond daily pleasure or the weekend or making money, etc. I was made to love God and love people, and when I do that, as Jesus leads me, I am truly alive.
  • I need Jesus for assurance of victory. So many things in this world suggest to me that everything is hopeless. Evil seems to have the upper hand, terrible things happen to bad and good people, so much despair, so many tragedies. Is there hope beyond all this bleakness? Yes, because He lives, I can face tomorrow! He has defeated death, He has guaranteed a brighter future!
  • this list could go on!!!

OK, there’s a good start.
What a humbling, learning exercise.
I admit, as I write these things I realize that I do not always FEEL this need.
This is a mental exercise, but it will take a while for this to sink into my heart.
But doing this kind of reflection regularly, in a humble, prayerful way, is how it sinks into the heart.

One more thing, this is not just my list.
This applies to everyone, whether they are Jesus-followers or not.
This applies to you too.
Maybe you realize it, maybe you don’t – but its true.

Can you help me think of more reasons why I (and you) need Jesus?

One Comment

  1. I need Jesus because He is the only one who can fully love me as I need to be loved.

    “The mountains and the hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end; I will keep my promise of peace. So says the Lord who loves you.” Isaiah 54:10

    Without Jesus, I would not have experienced that kind of love in my heart and life. Thank you Lord.

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