greater love

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 44
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Judah exhibits a sacrificial love here. He is essentially offering himself to ‘hell’, because that is what prison on Egypt would have been. For the sake of his father and his brother, he is willing to forfeit his life. Here we see a glimpse into something that will happen again around 2000 years later, when Jesus offers His life for His brothers and sisters.

Is this just an example of sacrificial love, or a prophetic foreshadowing of what a future son of Judah would do? Jesus is a son of Judah: The sceptre will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his (Genesis 49:10).

In this passage, it is a bright light in an otherwise dark story. Having seen how low the sons of Israel will go, in selling their brother to slave traders, now we see them, as represented by Judah, as willing to ‘sell’ themselves for the sake of their brother. Maybe the years have humbled and changed them? Certainly Joseph would be affected by this sacrificial love (Genesis 45:1-2).

Self-denying, sacrificial love is a part of what it means to be a Jesus-follower. We have also been called to carry a cross, which for Jesus was the symbol of His self-sacrificial love. We are sent, like Jesus, to go into the world for the sake of our wayward brothers and sisters and do what we can to bring them back to God. Listen to how Paul demonstrates this love: I speak the truth in Christ–I am not lying, my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit– I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel (Romans 9:1-4).

Jesus had this kind of love for me. How far does my love go for those that God has put into my life. Not only my family, but my neighbours, even strangers. Do I love people enough to be willing to adjust my schedule for them? Enough to be willing to share some of my wealth with them? Enough to be willing to take risks for them?

Lord, show me Your love, and make me a channel of Your love.


  1. Favourtism seems to be rearing its ugly head once again yet this time, the brothers are quick to protect their Father’s favourite. How things have changed!

    Judah is prepared to give his life for his youngest brothers – he is now respecting his Father, prepared to do anything to protect the heart of his Father. Sacrificial love is a powerful testimony!

    LORD, for me, You sent Your one and only Son to sacrifice His life for me – How deep the Fathers’ love for me is indeed! I cannot comprehend why? I do not need to know why – I just need to know that You did it!

    LORD, as You have loved, as You do love; may I too learn to love for this is Your will for me (for us) as a follower of Christ. LORD, without the power of Your Holy Spirit, I am incapable of loving in this way. Fill me LORD with Your Holy Spirit so that my heart will overflow with love, that I might be Your love in this broken and hurting world. LORD, when I find it hard, remind me of the sacrificial love that You poured into my life. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch life me! Fill me with Holy Love LORD. A love, perfected LORD by You….


    Holy Love, oh fill me with Holy Love. A love so true perfected Lord by You.
    No human heart could on its own attain. Holy Love, the love that you love me with.
    Oh Father God, breathe into my heart.

    1/ A love unselfish, pure and free. A gift as only love should be.
    A love that never would cast blame, a love that never causes pain. Ch/

    2/ A love enduring, patient, kind. A love transforming heart and mind.
    A love that words just can’t define. A love that truly is sublime. Ch/

    Words and music by Karen L. Bruinsma
    Copyright 2005 Karen L. Bruinsma/SOCAN

    O LORD, please, fill me with Your Holy love that Your will may be done in my life…..

  2. It is good to see Judah step up and take ownership of responsibility here.

    But isn’t it because he doesn’t want to see his fathers grief go downhill if he doesn’t return with the youngest boy? Is he still striving for his fathers approval over these favoured sons of Rachel?

    Whichever it is, Joseph is deeply touched by this and sees the love and strength of his brothers to care for their fathers heart here. I am sure at this point the homesickness of being separated from his father is quite strong. He remembers whose family he belongs to.

  3. The tides changes. Once upon a time, the brothers plotted to rid themselves of of the favourite son, but this time they stand united as brothers, defending their youngest brother, their father’s delight. Judah stands up for the family and as the go between and offers himself in Benjamin’s place. This is sacrifical love and a complete turn-about of the happenings at the pit with Joseph years before. This also fulfills God’s Word as found in Hebrews – For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah. This is a foreshadowing of what is to come. No greater love does a man have for his friend than he lays down his life for his friends. Judah did. Jesus Christ did. Will I go the second mile/kilometre for my friends? Will I pass by on the other side?

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey;
    Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day.
    Ye that are brave now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
    Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
    Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
    Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

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