
waitingSCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:74-96
“How long must your servant wait?” (Psalm 119:84)
Trusting in the Lord does not make like easier.
In fact, often the struggles increase.
We find ourselves fighting against the current, against the wind.
We commit to doing the right thing, and then the situation worsens.
Telling the truth at work can make things better, but it can also make things worse.
Being kind to an underdog can make us feel better, but it may earn us some contempt.
Loving our enemies make please God, but it may not please others who share our enemies.
Some people decide to give up on God’s way, and take their chances with the world’s way.
The psalmist is devoted to God’s wisdom, confident that it is the better way.
But now he is waiting, and wondering how long before it actually gets better.
“My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word.” (Psalm 119:81)
Let me guess, if you are a Jesus follower, you sometimes find yourself wondering…
‘Is it really worth it, is it really better, is God really going to come through?’
In these moments, I try to remind myself where the other way leads.
Not right away, I may have to wait, but it is only a matter of time.
Dishonesty, looking out for #1, life without God, these have their own reward too.
I’d rather wait for God’s reward, I’ll take my chances on God’s wisdom.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, following Your wisdom seems right, but it doesn’t always feel good. Help me to stay focused on where each path leads. Help me to see that You and Your wisdom are worth the wait.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    My hope is in the Lord and His love is my comfort. On His law/word I meditate. At all times, in all circumstances, I need to serve the living God for He is my Help and Salvation. My Comforter. My eternal Hope. My Saviour. My God in all circumstances – for I will see the Hand of the Lord for His loves endures forevermore to all who serve Him. I am His and He is mine and His love endures forevermore. How great You are.

    1. I listened as a man cried out to his gods of earth and stone,
    And it broke my heart to see all the tears that he shed alone.
    And I knew that it was hopeless and he would not receive
    An answer from the gods he served that cannot hear or see.

    How great it is to serve a living God
    Who knows each breath I take and every step I’ve trod.
    How great it is to serve a God that’s real.
    Whe sees my every tear and He knows just how I feel.

    2. So I fell down on my knees to pray like so many times before,
    And I only ask my God to hear my prayer, Lord, just once more.
    And it seemed like the heaven just opened up and I could hear Him say,
    “Yes, my child, I can hear you, what do you need today?”

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