To love and live wisdom!

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:49-72
“I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your (wisdom).” (Psalm 119:59)
When I read this Psalm, I substitute ‘law’ words (decree, statute, etc) with ‘wisdom.
Behind God’s laws there is a wisdom for life, a better way of living.
Wisdom is not so complicated that it is out of reach for people.
But it requires that we ‘consider our ways’, think about our actions.
Do we really consider our ways, our lives, and their consequences?
What are the consequences of greed, selfishness, bitterness, carelessness, lack of love, insensitivity?
** re. insensitivity, the Charlie Hebdo crew may want to consider their actions and their consequences.
Too many of us just do what feels right in the moment, or what makes us feel good.
God’s wisdom challenges us to think, to evaluate our motives, our actions and their consequences.
I realize that many of the laws of the bible are hard to understand as wise.
But remember Jesus’ summary of the law, that it all somehow has to do with love.
God’s warnings about sexual immorality, theft, covetousness, deception…
God’s appeals for honesty, integrity, humility, generosity, mercy, justice, compassion…
What is at stake is in all these commands is our collective experience of love and life.
Our world needs to seriously think about where our attitudes and actions are taking us.
We need a heavy dose of God’s wisdom for life, we need to be immersed in Jesus’ way of love.
And as Christians, we ought to be showing this way of wisdom and love.
For that to happen, we need the heart and passion of this psalm.
“(Your wisdom) is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.” (Psalm 119:72)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, our world needs Your way and wisdom. You have sent us into the world to show Your way and wisdom. May we passionately love and live Your way and wisdom, as this Psalm suggests.


  1. Observation/Application
    My comfort is God who made a covenant promise to His own. I am your God. You are my people. At all times I will praise the living God for He is my Help and salvation. I will walk in His ‘SonShine’ always and in every Way.
    Starting each day is the only way to ‘dress’ yourself properly each day for then I am equipped for His works – works of service in all circumstances. In all of Life I need to serve the living God. Help me always to find Your Way Lord. Lead me and guide me by Your Spirit enabling me to do so. My strength is in You Lord. Help me daily to prayerfully walk with You for You are my God, my Strength. my Provider, my Rock, my Encourager on the pathway to Life with You. My ‘pilgrim’s progress’.

    My life is in You Lord
    My strength is in You Lord
    My hope is in You Lord
    In You, It’s in You (repeat)

    I will praise You with all of my life
    I will praise You with all of my strength
    With all of my life
    With all of my strength
    All of my hope is in You!

  2. I love the book of Psalms. It’s in Psalms where I really get the information or instructions on how to try and live a life that is pleasing to God. The word ‘law’ sounds too political for me so I appreciate it that you subsisted it for ‘wisdom’. I pray this too that I try and live and love through his wisdom the best that I can.

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