Believing is seeing

SCRIPTURE: John 11:38-44
“If you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)
I believe God CAN raise a dead person to life.
But I normally do not believe that God WILL raise a dead person.
For some reason, God doesn’t go about raising dead people on a regular basis.
God does do it for Lazarus, for the benefit of the people standing there.
That they might believe that God sent Jesus as the messiah.
Why doesn’t He still do it today, for the benefit of people today?
Is it because we don’t believe that God WILL do it?
Although it would be great if He did, it is not necessary for me.
Even if God didn’t raise Lazarus, I would still know He CAN do it.
Because I believe in a God that is able to do more than we ask or imagine.
My belief does not depend on miracles to prove that He can do it.
If there is a God – and I do believe there is – this miracle is nothing.
So even though I have not seen a real miracle with my own eyes…
I believe I will see the glory of this God I believe in, one day!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for showing me a God I can believe in, a God I can love. I’m hanging on for the day when my faith shall be sight!

One Comment

  1. Interesting post of the day. I’m not sure I like it haha (get it – Sunday ). Anyone who wasn’t there Sunday is going to think I’m mean. Oh well.
    But for real though. This scripture John 11:38-44) conflicts with something in my soul. Maybe it’s because I don’t believe God ‘will’ do it. After losing people dear to me to death, it doesn’t even appear possible that God will raise them up from the dead in my opinion. Though, it’s not like I would want him to, nor would I even ask, because I want to believe that they are in a better place in a realm full of only love and peace. I do believe in the God of hope and faith though without needing to see with my eyes to believe . Faith is seeing the light, His goodness, with your heart, when all your eyes see is darkness.

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