How do you think of death?

SCRIPTURE: John 11:11-16
“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” (John 11:11)
Interesting perspective on death.
How do we think of death?
Since this life is all we really know, we see death as the end of life.
Jesus describes it like sleep, which is not the end, but a temporary state.
Imagine little Johnny playing with his toys.
That day he is going to the park to play with his cousins, but first he needs a nap.
That nap will be the end of his playtime, but also the preparation for park time!
(I sometimes wonder whether Lazarus, already dead, wanted to come back?)
How we speak of death says a lot about our view of life.
If this is all there is (in our minds), then death is the ultimate tragedy.
But if death is a temporary state, one that is not permanent (we can wake up again)…
As Christians we believe that this life is important, but it is not all there is.
We believe that we were made to live forever, and death as we now know it is temporary.
We believe that Jesus has made it possible to one day really wake up, forever.
This is why Christians live this life with hope, because it is just the beginning.
Thomas was still more death focused than life-focused.
How about you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it is encouraging to think that this life is not all there is. Thank You for the possibility of life beyond life, when we wake up for eternity with You.


  1. I agree with you Talia. I hate death too. As we will see, Jesus also hated death, and what death represents. His weeping by Lazarus’ grave (John 11:35) – even though He knew Lazarus was coming back to life – shows He was affected by death too. Death is real, and rotten, but God is ‘realer’, and greater!

  2. I hate death. I know that’s a strong word, but I really do. I know the bible promises life after death but still it’s something that I prefer to avoid, same with funerals. As a ‘Christian’ I shouldn’t be scared of it I guess – knowing that their will be peace, joy, and no more tears in the afterlife. My hope lives in the truth that death isn’t the end for us.

  3. Observation/Application
    Lazarus’ name means God is my Help.
    It was also Thomas who said that he would not believe unless seeing with his own eyes.
    This miracle from death to life is for all who believe.
    All will die.
    All will live forevermore.
    The question is where?
    The Lord, the Lord, He is God and has and is and will redeem His own.
    I am reminded od he following saying:

    A Christian lives twice but dies once.
    A non-Christian thinks he lives once but dies twice.

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Alive forevermore

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive forevermore

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive

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