Bringing glory to God

SCRIPTURE: John 9:1-12
“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2)
It is true that all suffering is somehow connected to the curse of sin.
And sometimes we do suffer because of specific sins.
But not all suffering is because of specific sins.
We usually think that all suffering is a form of punishment.
I must have sinned to deserve this…
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
Though we (collectively) unleashed the curse of sin in the world, God directs it’s consequences for His greater purpose.
He uses the suffering brought into the world to help people find Him.
This man was here so that Jesus could reveal God’s mercy.
This is true for everyone, for every situation we face.
Instead of wrestling with WHY or WHO, ask yourself HOW can you bring glory to God through this situation?
When you meet someone today who is struggling or suffering, ask yourself how you can reveal God’s mercy.
If all God’s people turned these situations into God moments, do many more people would be praising God right now.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities today brings where I can make you look good, and bring glory to God!


  1. Thanks for this blog! It reminds me of one of my blogs I recently wrote on how sometimes we bring it upon ourselves (suffering). Although, that is not always the case and I know firsthand external things do happen that inflict pain which leads to suffering but that’s where Jesus speaks about having hope. A hope that is sure and steadfast because you will persevere as the greatest teacher always gives the test first, and then the lesson afterwards. Jesus was and is still the greatest teacher, is he not?

  2. Observation/Application
    Sin has entered the world. Since the Fall, there are diseases, death and sicknesses. However, when a person is born bling, it is not necessarily of actual sin but original sin – the sin of a fallen world.. Then Jesus Christ came along. And He shows His grace by healing this blind man. He does as he is told because . . . . faith? Hope? Trust? Hearsay? Last resort?
    Today we still ask for healing from our diseases. We know the causes of some. Our lifestyles. The causes of others are because we live in a fallen world. And so we pray for healing. And by His grace He answers.

    Sometimes the disease is taken from us.
    Sometimes we are taken from the disease.

    May I always see God at work in all things and give Him the praise in all situations for in Him I am a conquerer.

    Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
    Give me oil in my lamp, I pray
    Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
    Keep me burning ’til the break of day

    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

    Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
    Give me joy in my heart, I pray
    Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
    Keep me praising ’til the break of day

    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

    Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting
    Give me peace in my heart, I pray
    Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting
    Keep me resting ’til the break of day

    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

    Give me love in my heart, keep me serving
    Give me love in my heart, I pray
    Give me love in my heart, keep me serving
    Keep me serving ’til the break of day

    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
    Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
    Sing hosanna to the King of Kings

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