…but I want to be!

SCRIPTURE: John 8:42-47
“The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” (John 8:47)
If you struggle with faith or following Jesus, do not take these words against you.
Jesus is not in the business of making struggling disciples doubt themselves.
Jesus was trying to shake up and wake up these proud religious people.
He basically says – if you really loved God, you wouldn’t be trying to kill people.
How do we know if we belong to God?
If the things Jesus says makes sense to us, and we want to be like that.
This is the sign that our hearts are open to God.
It is not the perfection of our efforts, but the genuineness of our desire, that God seeks.
People who love God will desire kindness, honesty, generosity, forgiveness, patience, etc.
People who love Satan will desire greed, lust, pride, selfishness, cruelty, bitterness, etc.
This is Jesus’ challenge to these proud religious people – all He sees is hate and deception.
Don’t take Jesus’ challenge as against you, but listen to what Jesus says.
Check your heart, and see if you can say, ‘Lord, I admit I am not like You… but I want to be!”
Rest assured, you belong to God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for gently challenging us so that we will see our hearts. I admit that I am not like You… but I want to be!


  1. Sometimes I think I don’t belong to God and that’s when it comes down to the thought ‘maybe i’m just indifferent’. I desire to be the opposite of Satan. Although it’s easy to feel pulled in both directions. I do want to stay on the God side though! I know I have to tune into Him…I need to be only His.

  2. Observation/Application
    Selective hearing, that’s war we have.
    We tune in to what we want to hear.
    We are not deaf but as His Word tells us – ears they have but do not hear – the Word of the Lord. Then or today.
    The Jews did not listen to the Messiah but listened to the falsehoods told. They went along with the crowds.
    And today?
    Who do I listen to?
    What is my purpose in life and death?
    Yo belong to my faithful Saviour and therefor listen – listen to the voice saying – Christian follow me.

    1 Jesus calls us, o’er the tumult
    Of our life’s wild, restless sea;
    Day by day His sweet voice soundeth
    Saying, “Christian, follow Me;”

    2 As of old, apostles heard it
    By the Galilean lake,
    Turned from home and toil and kindred,
    Leaving all for His dear sake.

    3 Jesus calls us from the worship
    Of the vain world’s golden store;
    From each idol that would keep us,
    Saying, “Christian, love Me more.”

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