I’m hungry for this!

SCRIPTURE: John 6:52-59
“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” (John 6:54)
Admittedly, what Jesus says here is disturbing.
Jesus is obviously speaking figuratively, with a deeper spiritual meaning.
But even spiritually, these words are extreme: He alone is the source of God’s LIFE.
When we accept Him, follow Him, devour His teaching, trust in His blessing… we will live.
We need to remain in Jesus in order to experience God’s full, enduring LIFE.
The flesh and blood (incarnate) Jesus is our only hope for life.
I believe this LIFE is available to all, like the manna in the wilderness.
But not everyone accepts it, not everyone wants it.
I believe at some point in every person’s life, we will face the ultimate decision.
We will experience Jesus personally, heart to heart, and God’s offer will be presented.
The open heart, eager for God’s life and goodness, will kneel to receive it.
The closed heart, resistant to God’s life and goodness, will run to avoid it.
Do you want the goodness and life that God offers, that Jesus represents?
Take, eat, remember and believe that God wants you to have life, life to the full!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your words seem gross, but their meaning is profound. You are offering me LIFE, life to the full. You are offering me what my heart truly needs, truly hungers for.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The bread of life.
    Remember the people wandering in the desert and the bread God gave them. The bread of life – manna. Without it they would have died.
    Remember the miracles of the bread in the NT? The feeding of the thousands – Jesus multiplying the fish and the loaves? He is the bread of life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is the answer.
    Just as the people in Egypt ate and had the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts so the angel of death would pass by, so Christ is the bread and the blood so that death will also pass me by. Jesus is the answer – the Way and the Truth and the Life. He is the bread of Life as shown by the last supper.
    Want Life? Jesus is the answer.
    Want daily nourishment? Jesus provides.
    True living is only a possibility in Christ Jesus. Walk with Him daily and He will provide.

    Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
    [or Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer…]
    Pilgrim through this barren land.
    I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
    Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
    Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven,
    Feed me till I want no more;
    Feed me till I want no more.

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