spiritual heart burn

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 43
As they sat down to eat, he took the bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to them. Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And at that moment he disappeared! They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:30-32) I can just imagine what Joseph’s brothers were thinking as they joined the Egyptian ruler at his table. And when he knew exactly their birth order? Were their hearts burning?

In Luke 24, Jesus is resurrected but the disciples have not see Him yet. These two disciples journeying to Emmaus meet Jesus, but they don’t know its Him. As He talks, they sense something about Him, they suspect that there is something remarkable, unique about this stranger.

And then they eat together. And as He blesses and distributes the bread, their eyes are opened! We are not at the point of recognition yet with Joseph’s brothers, but their hearts are burning. They sense something is up.

I see these as God moments, moments when are hearts are trembling, sensing something remarkable, special, unique. I have experienced this a number of times, while driving, while worshipping, while walking in the woods, while reading the Bible, reading a book or hearing someone speak about God. It may manifest itself as a tingling sensation up my spine, or a warming of my heart, or tears forming in my eyes, or a sense of clarity and understanding about God’s message, or a profound sense of wonder of God’s greatness, or His mercy, or my being forgiven. Didn’t my heart burn within me?

What Genesis 43 and Luke 24 show us is that there is more going on than meets the eye. All around us life is loaded with the presence, purpose and power of God. And things happen, clues that alert us to this (like the brothers marvelling at their being seated in their birth order). God is leaving all kinds of clues that He is near. May the eyes of our hearts be opened to see and experience Him today! May our hearts burn with Him!

Lord, I want to have this heart-burning, spine-tingling, mind-enlightening experience… today, and every day. Make me open and receptive to these God-moments!


  1. So much going on- for Jacob and his sons, the ‘big picture’ is distorted, unclear. They do not see what God has purposed and planned. LORD, forgive me when I do not see You at work in the midst of everything. Forgive me when I question; when I do not trust; when I respond in fear or uncertainty. Grant me patience, confidence, trust and understanding (as I need it). Your will; Your time!

    When Joseph takes the brothers into his house, is it fear or guilt that causes them to assume the worst? Why are they not looking for God especially as they witness things beyond their comprehension?

    LORD, grant me eyes to see You at work in and through all things. May I always trust that all things work to the good of Your plans and purposes; everything is part of the mosaic of my life- on it’s own piece by piece it is just a colour but when it takes it’s place alongside of every other piece, an incredible work is created. WOW! LORD, I want my heart to be full of WOW! moments.

    LORD, may my heart be WOWed today, tomorrow and forever so that I may give voice and testimony to the incredible things that You are doing as You put the pieces of my life together to create the picture that You desire to be created. Thank You LORD that one day, by Your hand, I will be completed ….

  2. Once again, Israel ran out of food so that his sons needed to return to Joseph for the bread of life. They had oil and nuts and spices, but those were not their staple food. And so preparations were made to go once again with gifts and money and with Benjamin.Upon entering the presence of Joseph, the boys were afraid, not knowing what Joseph would do. It is the steward who calmed their fears and gives evidence of God’s presence in the household. When the food was served the boys were seated in the order of the ages. How was that possible. Then Benjamin also received the largest amounts, but this time, no arguments.

    Once again God’s hand was present in the lives of the boys yet they did not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear Him. Will I see Him today or hear Him speaking to me this day?

    Open my eyes Lord. Open my ears Lord. Use me this day for Your purposes.

    Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way!
    Thy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy way!
    Help me to walk aright, more by faith, less by sight;
    Lead me with heav’nly light, teach me Thy way!

    When I am sad at heart, teach me Thy way!
    When earthly joys depart, teach me Thy way!
    In hours of loneliness, in times of dire distress,
    In failure or success, teach me Thy way!

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