Dive in!

SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 43-48
“The water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross.” (Ezekiel 47:5)
Yesterday we saw Jesus at the temple for the Feat of Tabernacles.
He spoke of living water gushing from with the heart of believers.
There was a tradition at this Feast: the priest would pour a cup of water at the foot of the altar.
This symboled the prophecy here in Ezekiel 47, where a trickle from the altar become a living stream.
A river deep enough to swim in, that no one can cross.
A river that brings life to the dead sea valley.
These visions are communicating – in temple language – God’s promise of restoration.
When He will causes rivers of life to flow again from within/among His people.
Jesus is the fulfillment of this vision!
Our heart is the temple, and God moves in by His Spirit, giving us LIFE once again!
Because of Jesus, we can now say ‘The Lord is here!’ and ‘God is with us!’
“Rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:38)
Does this describe your experience of God, of Jesus, of the Spirit?
Is your heart filled to overflowing with a LIFE-giving depth.
Deep enough to swim in, that no one can cross?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve experience this river in me, but I want to know it more. Help me to dive in!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    God lives among His people forever if they put away their evil ways. God dwelt among His people before and instructed them – the cloud, the fire, the burning bush, Mount Sinai – giving the people instructions – this is the Way. Do it. These are the rules. Then I will be your God.

    The Lord lives among His people then and today. Then in His temple – a special place – and in our hearts today – giving life to all who hear His Word. Live for Jesus everyday. He is the river of life – the fountain of life giving the water of life. Only with this water can there be the fruit of the Spirit. I need to ‘dress’ myself each day with His armour so that I can serve Him each day and produce fruit. Good fruit – for only in this way is the Lord there.

    The fruit of the Spirit’s not a coconut
    (watermelon, lemon, banana, etc.)
    The fruit of the Spirit’s not a coconut
    If you want to be a coconut
    You might as well hear it
    Cause it can’t be a fruit of the Spirit
    Cause the fruits are love, joy, peace, patience,
    kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness
    and self-control
    Cause the fruits are love, joy, peace, patience,
    kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness
    and self-control

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