Step onto the unknown!

SCRIPTURE: John 6:16-24
“They saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; they were frightened.” (John 6:19)
Imagine: as the disciples see Jesus walking on water, suddenly a submarine surfaces.
Out pops the head of a captain, and he calls out, ‘Everything OK, need a hand?’
I’m thinking the disciples would be VERY frightened.
This would science they never encountered before… it would be miraculous to them.
I wonder, was walking on water a science they never encountered before?
I’m told quantum physics is changing the rules for what is possible now.
Could it be that we are still years away from discovering other laws and possibilities?
I only raise this to consider the possibility that miracles are not unnatural.
Maybe they are natural, but above and beyond what we know.
God knows the Universe like we don’t (He designed it).
Jesus did not have God powers because He was God, but because as a human God was with Him.
Though Jesus was fully divine in origin, He was fully human in time and space.
Through Jesus, we are reconnected to God, to ourselves, to each other, and to creation itself.
Restored to be like Adam, we discover there’s so much more to this world than we presently understand.
And I’m confident we will be capable of so much more.
Compared to what we know now, it will be frightening
But from God’s point of view, it will be 100% natural, and 100% very good.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for thinking we know so much, and dismissing what we cannot understand. Thank You for reconnecting us to God, and to possibilities beyond what we can ask or imagine.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    They were alone. Jesus had not joined them. It was dark and although experienced fishermen, they were afraid. until Jesus came along.
    In my life the Lord also has been distant from me through my own darkness. I struggled by myself in vain. Like the disciples when Christ appears, I am still frightened. But it is He Who gives the comforting Words – do not be afraid. Cast all your cares on me. He is my present Help today and forevermore. Lead me and Guide me always Lord Jesus. Increase my faith.

    Cast thy burden on the Lord,
    Only lean upon His Word;
    Thou wilt soon have cause to bless
    His eternal faithfulness.
    He sustains thee by His hand,
    He enables thee to stand;
    Those whom Jesus once hath loved
    From His grace are never moved.

    Human counsels come to naught;
    That shall stand which God hath wrought;
    His compassion, love, and power,
    Are the same forevermore.

    Heav’n and earth may pass away,
    God’s free grace shall not decay;
    He hath promised to fulfill
    All the pleasure of His will.

    Jesus, Guardian of Thy flock,
    Be Thyself our constant Rock;
    Make us, by Thy powerful hand,
    Strong as Zion’s mountain stand.

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