Beyond the words to the Word

SCRIPTURE: John 5:31-40
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life.” (John 5:39)
Jesus is referring to the Jewish Bible – what Christians call the Old Testament.
The Jewish Bible was how God was setting up the coming of a Messiah for all nations.
Jesus fulfills every promise, addresses every judgment, and reveals God’s heart for love and justice.
The world does not need the Jewish Bible, the Koran, the Book of Morman, not even the Christian Bible.
The world needs Jesus; Jesus is the best revelation of God, the Word of God made flesh.
Christians should not be followers of a book; they are followers of Jesus.
If we are open to Jesus, if our confidence is in Him, if our lives reflect His life – we honour the Scriptures.
But the key is not whether you read or study or memorize the bible – it’s whether you come to Jesus.
I think many Christians misuse the Bible, and miss it’s point.
We waste time debating history or science or government policy – while not receiving Jesus’ life.
Jesus’ life is not just forgiveness or future hope, it is HOW we live today, with His help.
Living more and more like Jesus, not just telling others how they ought to.
More gracious, forgiving, self-sacrificing, humble, involved with poor and suffering, generous, compassionate.
God is giving us THIS life, through Jesus, through His Spirit.
Jesus is the key, we need to come to Him, stay with Him, then go with Him – living like Him!
“These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39-40)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, like You, the works that we do testify about us, whether we have life or not. May Your life be evident in me. By grace alone: I come to You, I live in You, I live like You, I live for You! It’s all about You!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Where two or three are gathered . . .their testimony is true.
    God. John and Jesus were all on the same page. The Scriptures points to this truth and yet . . . the people went their own way. The Light was there but they followed their own flickering failing lights. The Bible guides our daily lives, tells how to live for His people but it is only in Christ Jesus do you and I have life eternal. Only in Him can we have life abundantly for He will lead and guide us always by His Light, the only Light which never fades, and always burns brightly forevermore.
    Walk in that SonShine.
    Today and always
    You’ll enjoy the day in joy.

    When clouds hang low, and dark thy path,
    Then trust and know they’ll lift at last;
    Whate’er the load, then look to God,
    Though long the road, e’er onward plod.

    Shine through the sunshine,
    Shine through the rain;
    Shine through the shadows,
    Shine through your pain;
    Shine in the darkness,
    The victory gain;
    Shine in your trials,
    Shine in His Name.

    With grace bear wrong, that Christ may reign;
    Then lift a song, shine in His Name;
    Then shine for Him who died for you;
    The victory win, He’ll see you through.


    Then God be praised, your “faith made sight,”
    The banner raised, “God’s love and light”;
    And from the heart will come the song,
    That God made right to come from wrong.

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