invisible hand

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 41
Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. (John 19:11) In this pivotal stage of history when Obama is president-elect of the United States, we are reminded that behind what we see, there is God. God is the invisible hand guiding history for His purposes. We make our choices freely, but He somehow directs our choices for His purposes. We are responsible for our sin and immorality (we are not forced by God to sin), but He takes the credit for directing the outcome of those free choices.

As far as Pharoah is concerned, he holds the power of life and death. Cup-bearer lives, baker dies. He is as a god, and everyone does what he commands. Everyone… but God. God stumps Pharoah with the dreams; God directs the harvest through years of plenty and famine. All of Pharoah’s wisest cannot interpret his dream. No one but a nobody (from Pharoah’s point of view), a foreign prisoner rotting away in jail.

Pilate sees this nobody from Nazareth, nothing impressive or rebellious about him. What’s the fuss? But Jesus recognizes the invisible hand behind this scene, the hand of God. Power and authority is given from above, and Pilate, out of his own free choice, is being directed by God to accomplish His purpose, to establish His kingdom.

Pharoah elevates Joseph… or rather, God does. What happens here is God unfolding His kingdom purpose. Joseph is exalted, but not for his own sake or glory, but for the blessing of the nations (remember Genesis 12:1-2?).

The same for George Bush, the same for Barack Obama, the same for Stephen Harper. Each makes choices, each is responsible for the choices they make. But behind them is God. And He is directing the affairs of humanity for a great purpose.

The same for you. The same for me. I am what I am, I am where I am, by the grace of God. Not for my own sake or glory, but for the blessing of the nations. One way or another, with me or without me, the Lord’s kingdom will come.

Lord, open my eyes to see Your invisible hand, working in, through and around me… working in, through and around our government.


  1. LORD, it is amazing how You sepak to us! Yes, even today Your voice can be heard if we take the time to listen.

    LORD, desperately we need discerning hearts and minds so that we can seek Your wisdom, Your direction, Your guidance in the noise of our busy, busy lives. Help mt to listen to Your voice of warning and direction in my life today so that I might testify to Your great hand of provision and care!

    Like Joseph, I desire to give You all the authority in my life. It is not by my hand, my mind but it is You that is at work in my life. LORD, may I always direct others to You. I can do nothing! I am an instrument in Your hands.

    Joseph rises from a lowly, foregin prisioner to a man of great responsibility and power in just moments. God is in control! There is nothing He cannot do! We never know what God is going to do next that is why we must walk closely with Him so that we are always ready for the opportunity that God desires to use us for His Kingdom. LORD, like Joseph, I pray that others are able to recognize Your Spirit alive in me; not for me but for Your Kingdom purposes.

    LORD, I have no idea what You are about to do in my life. Help me be ready to serve You, to give testimony to Your great work. May I not be a hindrance to the work that You are doing in my life and the lives of others who are affected by the way I live my life. LORD, there is so much we cannot understand. There is so much that we do not need to understand if we put our hope and trust in You. My life is in You LORD! My hope is in You LORD! My strength is in You LORD; in You, it’s in You! Your will be done!

    LORD, may the prayers of my heart be directed by Your Spirit…….

  2. This is harder to see…
    God’s invisible hand behind our governments…
    They don’t always chose good things; like not stopping abortions.
    I now God is in control, but where does our responsibility come in? where/why does prayer make a difference or not?
    If more of us were more responsible in our walk with God, prayed more for the gov. and everything else, would things be different?
    I know that God still used the bad goverment in Josephs life for the good of the nations…
    Oh God help me to walk with You, the way You want me to…every day all the time….

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