Power seems to corrupt

SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 25-32
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)
This verse summarizes what is going on in these chapters.
Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon, and Egypt – headed for a fall.
Tyre and Egypt get special focus, it seems for special pride.
Tyre was like the highest angel in Eden (Ezekiel 28:13-15).
Egypt was like a tree even taller than the trees in Eden (Ezekiel 31:1-9).
Ezekiel uses these extreme comparisons to expose their extreme pride.
The words of Ezekiel 28:11-19 seem to describe what happened to Satan.
Another example in a prophecy is Isaiah 14:12-15 (see Luke 10:18, Revelation 9:1).
The point is to show that the ultimate sin – of Satan and humanity – is pride.
And in all cases, it leads to a fall, to destruction .
The nations mentioned here took advantage of Israel’s own fall to pride.
These were brutal times, and it was not pretty for anyone.
But what God was looking for – and not finding – was compassion in the midst of crisis.
When things go bad around us, or when we get into positions of power or success…
Do we increase in compassion and mercy?
Do we shine MORE like God when things get darker around us?
Or do wealth, success, or power make us lazy, indifferent, apathetic, judgmental, snobby, mean?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may I be more like You, and not more like Satan. Many any success I experience not get to my head, and harden my heart. May it bring me to my knees, and warm my heart to You and others!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    And how do I know that He is the Lord?
    Listen to Him speaking through His Word. See Him at work in His creation. Read the times we are in. Where is God in all what is happenings? Each nation does its own thing within its own power. Yet God is in control then and also now. What is the Sovereign Lord saying today?
    Are my ways in tune with God’s ways? He sees all – even our economics. All of our daily activities are within His scope. Are all my doings according to His Word praising the God of the Creation? All belongs to God. This is God’s world. The earth is the Lord’s and all within it. Where do I place my trust?
    Where do I see God at work in today’s history? All of it is part of His Story. One day all will know that He is Lord God indeed.
    How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him
    Who brings good news, good news;
    Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness:
    Our God reigns, our God reigns!

    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!

    He had no stately form, He had no majesty
    That we should be drawn to Him.
    He was despised and we took no account of Him.
    Our God reigns, our God reigns!


    It was our sin and guilt that bruised and wounded Him.
    It was our sin that brought Him down.
    When we like sheep had gone astray our Shepherd came
    And on His shoulders bore our shame.


    Meek as a lamb that’s led out to the slaughterhouse,
    Dumb as a sheep before its shearer,
    His life ran down upon the ground like pouring rain
    That we might be born again.


    Out from the tomb He came with grace and majesty;
    He is alive, He is alive.
    God loves us so, see here His hands, His feet, His side
    Yes we know, He is alive.

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