What do I need to turn from?

SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 13-18
“Repent! Turn away from all your offences; then sin will not be your downfall. (Ezekiel 18:30)
These chapters sound harsh, negative, judgmental.
They also show us how bad the people had become, why God was frustrated.
God’s deep, deep desire is for them to repent, to change – He will forgive them!
Rid yourselves of all the offences you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. (Ezekiel 18:31)
All they need to do is admit their shame and guilt, and He will help them change.
A new heart, a new spirit, is available to them, if they want it.
Why will you die, people of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone.” (Ezekiel 18:32)
God is not inflicting death with pleasure here, but reluctantly giving people what they want.
They are choosing the kind of life that leads to misery and death.
God has been trying to change their hearts and minds, but they are refusing to listen.
We get what we seek; if we seek God’s better way, we will find it.
But if we persist in seeking our own selfish, sinful ways, we will get our way.
Where am I getting what I seek; where am I NOT experiencing life because of my choices?
God wants me to experience and enjoy LIFE to the full, but I need to seek it His way.
“Repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, are there ways that I am as stubborn or foolish as these people? What are my heart idols? Am I compromising morally, breaking my promises, hurting others? I want to repent, I want to live!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Hear the Word of the Lord.
    How is the Lord speaking to His people today? Do we do our own thing and pretend that we are doing God’s will? Do we apply a godly veneer on what we really are? How do we see the Lord’s hand this day?
    The Word of the Lord needs to come to His people. We have His Word telling us the Way. We too need to repent and turn our hearts to ‘home’ – God. He needs to be our God and we need to be faithful. How do we read the happenings of this day? A result of people going their own way after their own self interests, after their own gods without any regard for others.
    The Word of the Lord continues to come to His people. We need to open our hearts and receive Him for all what He has done. Our trust must be in Him. Receive His gifts and live for Him. He is a covenant God Who remembers His promises. I need to be a promise keeper and not a promise breaker. I need to be rooted in Him and grow strong and free in Him. A tall tree.

    I saw a tree by the riverside one day as I walked along
    Straight as an arrow and pointing to the sky
    Growing tall and strong
    “How do you grow so tall and strong?”
    I said to the riverside tree
    This is the song that my tree friend sang to me: (refrain)

    I’ve got roots growing down to the water
    I’ve got leaves reaching up to the sunshine
    And the fruit that I bear is the sign of life in me
    I am shade from the hot summer sundown
    I am nest for the birds of the heavens
    I’m becoming what the Lord of trees
    Has blessed me to be — a strong young tree.

    I saw a tree in the winter time when snow lay on the ground
    Straight as an arrow and pointing to the sky
    Winter winds blew all around
    “How do you grow so tall and strong?”
    I said to the wintertime tree
    This is the song that my tree friend sang to me: (refrain)

    I saw a tree on the city street where buildings blocked the sun
    Lean and lovely I could see
    It gave joy to everyone
    “How do you grow in the city street?”
    I said to the downtown tree
    This is the song that my tree friend sang to me: (refrain)

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