just like Judah

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 38
This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham… Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar). Perez was the father of Hezron. (Matthew 1:1, 3). How does God choose to make an entrance into the world? If He were human like us, He would pull out all the stops to make a “big event”. Think of the opening ceremony of the recent Olympics in Beijing. That was an entrance, a spectacle, a sign to the world that China was something to be reckoned with (even though the fireworks were computer-generated, and the little girl was lip synching).

God has this odd habit of going against the flow. This story about Judah and Tamar, and the connection between Jesus and their son Perez (the first or second born), reveals God doing things differently. No elaborate spectacle, a humble stable, and a questionable family tree. Tamar, the Canaanite widow who pretends to be a prostitute to get an heir for her husband Er (Jewish custom back then), is brought into Jesus’ family tree (along with 3 other women with questionable stories (Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, see Matthew 1:5-6).

This is just one example of the many sad and sordid stories that make up God’s story. But we do not blame God for this, we marvel that He chooses to work through us. God does not cause these evil things to happen, He works through our sinful choices to accomplish His purpose. He turns our shame into His glory.

This story, in its context, is setting up a contrast between Judah and Joseph. As we see in the next chapter, Joseph is a model of integrity. Makes one wonder why God doesn’t choose to use Joseph in Jesus’ family tree.

A recurring theme is that God does not love us because we are better than others, but because He is so gracious and merciful. Those who are humble and sinful are the ones that God chooses to connect with. Hmm, that includes me.

Lord, You know my heart, You know the crap that lives there. Just like Judah, I do not deserve to be in Your family. But I am… I am… Thank You!


  1. LORD, there are so many things that we as humans just cannot comprehend or even begin to understand. That’s why it’s faith – not reason, nor formula. It’s never been about the details -the why’s, the how’s, the what if’s etc. There is no science that can explain. It’s YOU; it’s all about You!

    LORD, thank You for being God beyond all understanding. Thank You for redeeming us by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You LORD for making it possible to live by faith regardless of my undeservingness. What a gift! I say WOW!

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