Reverse the curse!

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 109
“While they curse, may you bless.” (Psalm 109:28)
This psalm is one long extended curse.
He has been cruelly treated, betrayed, hurt… by a friend.
I can sympathize with David, I can see myself praying the same way.
He pleads for God’s blessing for himself to overrule their cursing.
But He also prays for God’s curse to rest on them.
Jesus was cruelly treated, betrayed, hurt… by a friend (Luke 22:48)
But Jesus does not curse people back, He blesses them (Luke 23:34)
David’s anger and cursing is understandable.
And God inspires David to be honest about it, to express his heart to God.
But cursing is not the way to overcome evil.
It is not enough to rehearse the curse, we need to reverse the curse!
When we curse back, we become just like them.
When we bless back, we become just like God.
Our world today is filled with anger and cursing, and it is only magnifying.
God sends us into the world to break the cycle.
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” (Romans 12:14)
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my heart is angry to extremists, and the violence they commit. Help me to love them, to pray for their conversion, and to desire their release from anger, violence and cruelty.

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