Who I’m not

SCRIPTURE: John 1:19-28
“‘I baptize with water,’ John replied, ‘but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.'” (John 1:26-27)
We are called to represent God, to point the way to God, to help people see and understand God.
But we are not God, nor are we the Messiah.
It is not our job to judge people, nor to condemn them; it is not our job to change people, or control their lives.
And it is not our job to convert them, to make them believe.
Only God can change the heart, only God can open someone’s eyes, only Jesus can be the Messiah.
John understand that he was a messenger, called to point the way to Jesus.
He also understood that Jesus as God’s ultimate messenger had the power to do what he could not.
As Jesus-followers we need to be careful that we don’t take the spotlight as we serve Him.
It’s not about us – our comfort, our reputation, our success, our position.
And it’s not up to us – to do what only God can do, only the Spirit-enabled Messiah can do.
It is so important for me to remember who I am not.
I am a weak, flawed, unworthy instrument, whose only hope is Jesus.
I will blow it, I will let people down; I cannot change people, I cannot take credit for success.
I am what I am by the grace of God… and so are you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when people come to me for help and hope, remind me to direct them to You. Remind me of who I am, and Who You are.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    This passage was the testimony of John.
    What’s my testimony?
    John’s life pointed to Jesus Christ and the hardships he endured were all a witness to, pointing point the Saviour.
    What’s my life a witness to? In all I do and say, am I too a witness for my Saviour? My life must also be a testimony for Jesus. My story must be ‘History.’ I need to be a living witness to my Saviour always.

    My Saviour, how shall I proclaim,
    How pay the mighty debt I owe?
    Let all I have, and all I am,
    Ceaseless to all thy glory show.

    Too much to thee I cannot give;
    Too much I cannot do for thee;
    Let all thy love, and all thy grief,
    Grav’n on my heart for ever be.

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