God loves the Sennemites

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 36
A long list of names. Not a passage I would turn to for inspiration. We need to ask why Moses would include this for the Israelites. It helps to remember the ‘blessing’ of Isaac to Esau (Genesis 27:39-40) where he predicts that Esau and his descendents the Edomites will not live in a fertile place, will live by the sword, we be ruled by the Israelites but will fight against them. The Israelites would remember this as they were crossing the wilderness, and asked their ‘brothers’ pass by without conflict (Numbers 20:14-21).

This passage shows Esau leaving the fertile land of Canaan for the hill country of Seir – as predicted. This passage also speaks of the kings of Edom that ruled “before an Israelite king ruled over them” (v.31, see note), a hint of what was still to come in the future – as predicted.

So what do I sense the Lord communicating through this? I have looked at my family tree, though I do not know it as well as the Israelites did theirs. But reading over these names does give a sense of history, of story, and of an Author behind the story. As we go through life, God is directing the affairs of humanity toward His appointed purpose. He does not cause people to sin, but He uses their sinful choices to accomplish His will.

This makes me think of my own extended family, many of whom I do not know. Although it’s not clear to me how the Lord is at work in their lives, He is! From generation to generation, He is at work. He loves the Israelites and the Edomites and the Sennemites. But we all have to choose to respond to Him. Look for Him, descendents of the Sennema clan, He is at work, inviting us to find life with Him.

Lord, You are the Saviour and Lord of all people, including the Edomites and the Sennemites. May we all discover how good and great You are!


  1. LORD, thank You that You are the God who created each and every one of us. Thank You LORD that You are God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere present. Thank You LORD that You know us even before we are in our mother’s womb. You God are with us then, now and forever.

    LORD, I thank You that You are God the Creator, the Giver of life and that in and through every person on this earth, You are at work, connecting us, using us, drawing us and our life circumstances and situations to create a ‘family’ tree that is beyond all understanding! Thank You LORD for placing me in the midst of Your family tree. Thank You LORD that You are the vine that gives life to our lives so that we are not just a name but we are a living testimony of all that You are doing yesterday, today and tomorrow. Be glorified as we give You all the glory, honour and praise.

  2. Yes, alot of names – names that bear no background or warmth connected to them because we do not know them.

    I decided to sticky note the family tree, one colour for each of the wives of Esau and then lineage down their sons. These sons became the Chief’s of Edom.

    Then the same for the Chief’s of the Horites (sons of Seir)

    Then the same listing the first Kings of Edom

    All of a sudden, at least I can see these names, not just as a jumble listing of names but as brothers, uncles, grandparents, peers, and yes, some of the chiefs being women (Timna and Oholibamah).

    Thank you Lord for allowing meditation to draw more of Your story behind these names to life.

    I look forward to watching how these generations and nations interelate with each other in the coming pages.

  3. Once again we are reminded about being faithful. The stife in the families grew grew because of their wealth. Esau goes his own way once again. What is it that we live for? The children of the world have it all in their hand and no hope, while God’s people are standing on the promises of God.Once again I see that people make a choice and the choice they make chooses the consequences. I need to be more faithful in working out the statement – but as for me and my household, we will serve the living God.

    Continue Your work in me Lord and may I be a living letter – a father and a grand father showing the children and the children’s children – This is the way. Walk in it. To be happy is to know God.

    Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
    Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
    Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
    Standing on the promises of God.


    Standing, standing,
    Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
    Standing, standing,
    I’m standing on the promises of God.

    Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
    When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
    By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
    Standing on the promises of God.

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