Fully alive, fully human!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:36-43
This is not Caspar the friendly ghost.
Jesus is physically alive, it is His own flesh and bones.
But how does He just ‘appear’ or ‘disappear’ (Luke 24:31,36; John 20:19,26), if He is flesh and bones?
A seminary professor suggested that this may be an indication of what our resurrection bodies will be like.
“So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” (1 Corinthians 15:42-44)
Jesus did not come back in His old death-bound body, like Lazarus did.
Jesus comes back in the new creation body – imperishable, with glory and power, a spiritual body.
What we see in Jesus, is what we will experience ourselves – flesh and bones and yet so much more.
We will be restored to what Adam was – “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7)
Some people talk as if we will lose our bodies, and float around in the clouds (heaven) playing harps.
We were made for life in this world; we were made with flesh and bones and the Spirit (breath) of God.
Jesus came to reverse the curse and restore humanity to its proper place.
Still not sure if this means that we will be able to ‘appear’ or ‘disappear’ from place to place.
But it does mean we will eat and work and play and dance and touch and feel… experiencing the pleasure and joy of being fully human, fully alive!
No more death or dying, no more sickness, no more disabilities.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, all I know is this physical body. And as I get older, it gets weaker. Thank You for breaking the curse of dying and death, and for the hope of one day enjoying a fully guaranteed, fully alive body!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    That’s what we are.
    Taking Jesus at His Word?
    And so He came again and again to His own to encourage, to show His own that all was true. Just believe.
    How was this all possible – His reappearing? A mystery.
    But one thing is for sure – God is with His people – always and forevermore.
    He is with me this day as I work for Him in all I do and say.

    God Himself is with us: Let us now adore Him,
    And with awe appear before Him.
    God is in His temple, all within keep silence,
    Prostrate lie with deepest reverence.
    Him alone God we own, Him our God and Savior;
    Praise His Name forever.

    God Himself is with us: Hear the harps resounding!
    See the crowds the throne surrounding!
    “Holy, holy, holy,” hear the hymn ascending,
    Angels, saints, their voices blending!
    Bow Thine ear to us here: Hear, O Christ, the praises
    That Thy church now raises.

    O Thou fount of blessing, purify my spirit;
    Trusting only in Thy merit,
    Like the holy angels who behold Thy glory,
    May I ceaselessly adore Thee,
    And in all, great and small, seek to do most nearly
    What Thou lovest dearly.

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