Turning Jesus into a side show!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:8-12
“But Jesus gave him no answer.” (Luke 23:9)
Herod wanted to see some magic, but Jesus wouldn’t perform.
So they mocked him, dressed him up like a king, and treated him like a fool.
But Jesus did not join in his game, he did not satisfy his curiosity.
Many people demand that Jesus prove Himself.
And when Jesus doesn’t give them what they ask for, they dismiss Him, belittle Him, reject Him as a fool.
Jesus is neither a court magician nor a court jester – He doesn’t sing and dance to our tune.
What Jesus says, what Jesus does, stands as it’s own witness.
Jesus represents God’s better world of love, justice, honesty, integrity, compassion, generosity, etc.
Jesus not only speaks about it, but He lives it… He is even prepared to die for it.
As followers of Jesus, we should learn from His example.
We do not need to impress people with great shows, wonderful signs, impressive events, relevant messages.
We do not need to dress up the message with flashy, funny or impressive packaging!
We do not need to feed people’s curiosity with side shows to impress them with Jesus.
Live what Jesus lived, love what Jesus loved, lead like Jesus led – and that is enough.
Today, the world is dressing up the church like a fool, and often because the church deserves it.
Instead of playing the world’s games, trying to impress the world with buildings, programs, success, miracles…
Try showing the world God’s better world of love, justice, honesty, integrity, compassion, generosity, etc.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, remind me that Your message does not need gimmicks to make it work. Help me to live the gospel, whether people like it or not.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The name of Jesus was heard far and wide. Even the palaces had heard of His works. And now they wanted to see the works – the miracles from the miracle Man. But Jesus just stood there. He is not a like an idol god who man makes does what man desires. He does not perform as a puppet. God is not a god who does as man desires. He is not a puppet on a string. And so Jesus became the court ‘jester’ and the ridicule of the court. Evil. Darkness settled in once again and in that darkness enemies became friends.
    I need to accept God at His Word.
    No gimmicks wanted.
    No games played.
    No tricks to be seen.
    Just Jesus.
    He is the All in all.

    Jesus is the Answer for the World Today
    Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way
    Jesus is the Answer for the World Today
    Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way
    If you have some questions in the corners of your mind
    Traces of discouragement and peace you cannot find
    Or reflections of your past, they seem to face you everyday
    But this one thing I do know, Jesus is the way

    Well, hear me now…
    Repeat Chorus

    I know that you’ve got mountains that you think you cannot climb
    I know your skies are dark, you think the sun won’t shine
    Well, in case you did not know that the word of God is true
    And everything He’s promised He will do for you

    Well, that’s because…
    Repeat Chorus

    He’s the truth and the light (Jesus is the way)
    No one comes to the Father (Jesus is the way)
    Except by the Son (Jesus is the way)
    That’s all because Jesus is the way

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