To see His gracious look

SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:54-62
No criticism here.
Have there not been times when I’ve been ashamed to say I follow Jesus?
Have there not been times when I have been silent about my faith, to save face?
If I was under threat of arrest, would I speak out openly?
I would like to think I would be stronger, but would I?
What I like about the bible is it’s brutal honesty.
Peter, one of the pillars of the church, was also a boastful yet weak person.
I can relate to this tension in Jesus – wanting so bad to follow Jesus, yet so weak under pressure.
I have also had moments of weeping bitterly.
But this is the point of this story, to show that we are not alone.
There is room in Jesus’ company even for failures like us.
Jesus knows Peter will fail… Jesus knows I will fail.
At those moments, He looks at me with a knowing, sad yet loving smile.
This is grace, amazing grace!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for knowing me AND loving me anyway. Thank You for Your patient endurance. Thank You that when I fail, I can still look up and see Your gracious look.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Ashamed of the Gospel?
    Not praying in front of my friends for lunch during the high school years.
    Not telling a co-worker, a friend, a stranger that their language is not allowed her because it i offensive.
    Not telling I can’t go along with the activity as a young adult because it is wrong.
    Not standing up for Jesus . . . but going along with the crowd. And afterwards? The regret. The fear. The guilt.
    I am in the need of constant prayer depending on Him for daily help. Fear and faith can not exist together. It is only the love of God that can heal me. There is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear.
    Thank You Lord for the cross – the love for me and the world.

    Thank you for the cross Lord
    Thank you for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace

    Thank you for this love Lord
    Thank you for your nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace

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