He doesn’t give up on us

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 35
God renews His commitment to us again and again, despite our flaws and follies. God has chosen to live among His chosen servants, i.e. the house of God (Beth-el) is with us, in us, among us (John 14:23). The amazing this is that this is true even despite us. Jacob and his family were now very unpopular because of what happened with Shechem, but the Lord protects him and his family, causing a terror to keep them from attacking. How can God stick it out with the church… I mean with Jacob.

The new name for Jacob (Israel, which means God wrestler) reveals both sides of this relationship. God voluntarily chooses to be yoked to this stubborn, frustrating and foolish partner. Hand in hand with God often becomes an arm-wrestle, as the human partners often stretch God’s patience and mercy with their actions.

But here again God renews His commitment to bless and multiply Jacob, son of Abraham and Isaac (to whom God also made this promise). This promise extends throughout history to us, and reminds us again that we are also God-wrestlers, yoked with God as partners in His mission, even though we often fail. For better or worse, God works through His chosen servants.

We can hate the church, we can be angry at the church, we can be annoyed at the church. But it is still God’s chosen servant for gathering His family and building His kingdom. God is so gracious when He works with these people. This doesn’t mean He ignores its flaws – on the contrary, He is always teaching, rebuking, correcting and training them in the right way. But He does not give up on them.

And He does not give up on me, or on you. He is renewing His covenant with me too, naming me a God-wrestler, a hand-in-hand partner with El-Shaddai.

If God doesn’t give up on the church, should I? If God doesn’t give up on me, can I?

Lord, as I share in the Lord’s Supper, may I experience this as Your gracious covenant renewal, Your commitment to work in and through me, despite my flaws and follies.


  1. It is good to see Jacob take some authority back into his family (after what his sons ran off and did seemingly on their own emotions).
    He instructs his household to do three things;
    – Put away the foreign gods
    – Purify yourselves
    – Change your garments

    What foreign gods do I cling to? What is it that I look to when making decisions or give praise and honour to? What comes to mind most practically, is finances, or my position in the community.

    What purifies me? This S.O.A.P bible readings and meditations has done so greatly. Confession, growing in my conversations with my Lord, practising meditation on wholesome thoughts instead of negative ones

    What garments do I need to put off and what garments do I need to put on?
    I need to put off the garments of sin – envy, jealousy, revenge, acting/reacting by my emotions
    I need to put on Christ, claim His garments of righteousness and wrap them tightly around me. Put on His armour (Ephesians 6)

  2. God has Jacob and his family on the move once more. God is sending him back to the place where He appreared to Jacob when he fled from Esau. (A reminder of God’s hand of protection then as it will be now?)

    There is a purging of every pagan idol, trinkets- anything that could come between these people and God. Jacob wants no hindrances. LORD, are there things in our lives that hinder our relationship with You? Perhaps it’s not a ‘material’ thing but even just the things we allow to influence our lives such as entertainment, goals, desires, personal agendas etc…… LORD, purify our hearts, cleanse us with Your Holy Fire. Help us to choose to be Holy, set apart for You. Refine us LORD.

    Despite all the wrongs committed, God will not give up on Jacob. Once again He places His hand of protection on this man and his family. LORD, what a comfort to know that You still love us, You still use us, You refuse to give up on us no matter what we have done. Thank You that You are a God of redemption, a God of unending forgiveness, mercy and grace.

    LORD, just as Jacob has the desire to walk close with you despite all the many mistakes and blunders he has made, I too desire with all my heart to live in complete obedience to You yet so often fail. LORD, just as You changed Jacob’s name, I too long for a new ‘name’ in You. Forgive me for the many times when life gets in the way, when I too get distracted and take my eyes off of You and Your plans for my life. I don’t want to worry yet so often I do. I don’t want to do things in my own strength, yet……; I desire to be Jesus to this world yet at times I feel so overwhelmed, so tired….. Forgive me LORD. Thank You LORD that You will never give up on me, that with every new day, there are new opportunities to live in close fellowship with You, to live in obedience to You.

    At the end of this chapter, we read of Reuben’s sin toward his father. Why did Rueben risk his birthright? Why did Reuben not respect his father enough to keep from committing such a sin? Did Reuben really think he could get away with this? It does not reveal yet the consequences of Reuben’s sin but every sin comes with consequences. LORD, every day brings choices of obedience or sin, living in the Spirit or the flesh…. LORD, help me today to purpose and determine to chose obedience. When I am tempted or about to carelessly make a choice I have not thought about, remind me LORD that there are always consequences. Remind me LORD that obedience and godly decisions are the only way to live. In my life LORD, be glorified…..

  3. God has memory stones for His people today – special dates on the calendar that remind us of His faithfulness. Dates that show us once again that He is a God who visits His people to keep them on the right track. Reformation Day is one of those days that remind us that we need to be true to His Word and that Word needs to guide our activities.

    Jacob also was a reformer, He told his household to get rid of their idols and worship the true God – the God Who has brought him thus far. This rededication to serve the one true God also brought fear into the hearts of surrounding peoples. Jacob’s strength was in the Lord. He walked with God once again. The Lord appeared once more and renewed His promise to Jacob and Jacob set up a pillar – a memory stone – of God’s goodness.

    This reading reminds me of my responsibilites of my household – to walk in His ways. I need to pass on the story to my children and children’s children of His faithfulness to us and that we must remain faithful to Him. Lord speak to me through Your Word that I make speak and direct my household and also influence those around us that they may see Your power within us.

    Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth,
    And from it I will not depart;
    That I may steadfastly obey,
    Give me an understanding heart.

    In Thy commandments make me walk,
    For in the law my joy shall be;
    Give me a heart that loves Thy will,
    From discontent and envy free.

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