God must weep

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 34
God must weep. Rape, deception, use of His covenant seal for evil purposes, slaughter and pillaging. This is the world that we have made. This is the world that we live in, and the world that lives in us. Even though we may not be guilty of these specific sins, we have within us the seeds that produce these sins. Have you ever teased or tormented someone as a kid? Have you ever raped someone in your imagination? Have you ever taken something that didn’t belong to you? Have you ever been so angry at someone you could hurt them – and maybe you did, either physically or with words?

God must weep. What makes this more troubling is that these are the people God chooses to work through. The sons of Levi will be the priestly tribe, those who represent the people to God, and God to the people. This is who God will use to restore His kingdom? What is He thinking?

God must weep. But through the tears He does not give up. He sees everyone as His prodigal sons and daughters. He sees the original beauty behind the scars and blemishes of our sin. His love does not give up, though our would. He does not give up on others, He does not give up on us.

This passage shows that the bible is more than a book of morals or commands. There is no ‘be like Levi or Simeon’ lesson here. In fact, this passage sheds light on human nature, and God’s amazing grace. Once again, though not mentioned at all in this chapter, God is the main character, the hero. He is standing in the background weeping, while this nonsense goes on. That is often where He stands.

But He does not give up. Still not today. He is at work through the church – despite its flaws and folly – which only proves His love is amazing. He is at work, and He is watching us, to see if we will join Him, or embarrass Him. May we not embarrass Him today.

Lord, sorry for making You weep with my own flaws and folly. I can think of some specific situations in my own life that make You weep. Thank You for Your patience, thank You for Your grace!


  1. … and what about me … I hold the power to utterly destroy a person or wipe out a community if I really wanted to retaliate …

    “should he treat our sister as a harlot” verse 31
    “should I sit back and let my son’s misdiagnosis be left unpunished”

    Lord, save me from the potential of evil that would desire to use me as its conduit.
    May I only be used by You Heavenly Father, fill me with your Spirit.

    … Heaven help us …

  2. So think of the impression left of this tribe of Israel by the surrounding regions.

    Fear and mistrust is formed.

    Hatred and amazement for the extent of their retaliation on an entire city.

    Jacob rebukes his sons actions by saying,
    “you have brought trouble on me, by making me odions among the inhabitants of the land”

    What a great example for the formation of “God’s chosen people”!

    … but then again, we have also the Crusades … wow, what a great example to be left for the surrounding nations to see our example as Christ followers…

    … lets not forget the abuse in Native Schools by the priests …

  3. LORD, these are hard scriptures to read. Why did such horrible things happen? All around us we know that such horrors happen still today. How Your heart must break for the ugliness of this world.

    LORD, thank You that You are the God who redeems all things! (Psalm 130:8 NLT “He Himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin). LORD, we give You praise and thank You that there is nothing so great that You cannot restore or redeem!

    LORD, may Your tears, touch our hearts in such a way that we will be moved to surrender our lives wholly to You so that Your redeemping power can change our lives! Redeem us Oh LORD!

  4. How close to the edge can I get without falling over? Dinah went to visit the women of the land to see how they were living. Be you separate says the Lord our God, but we try to see how closely we can align ourselves with the world and yet not get ensnarled in it.The pastures always look greener on the other side of the fence. The scenery is appealing. No apparent dangers.Yet although this way seems good to man, it leads to the way of death. That is just the opposite way of what God offers. He offers life!

    Diverting from the road of life, the wrongs just multiply. The city fathers agreed with the plan because their wealth would increase. Jacob’s sons took the law into their own hands and their wealth also increased. They did not ask God for advice. They righteously did what was right in their own eyes and profitted by it.

    Lord, help me to see You this day. Keep me from the edge of the worldly ways. Help me always to take it to the Lord in prayer. Have Thy own way Lord. As I continue my life’s journey, help me always to hear Your voice – This is the Way, walk in it! Then I can enjoy the journey in joy.

    Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
    Wounded and weary, help me, I pray!
    Power, all power, surely is Thine!
    Touch me and heal me, Savior divine.

    Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
    Hold o’er my being absolute sway!
    Fill with Thy Spirit ’till all shall see
    Christ only, always, living in me.

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