God smiles, sadly

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 30
This scene is almost comical, and sad. Here we have Rachel and Leah scrambling to have babies. Imagine this in fast-forward, and poor Jacob bouncing between these women, with baby after baby being presented to him – another boy! Rachel and Leah bartering bed time and mandrakes. And the kids being named in ways that add insult to injury to the other woman. God must smile… with sadness.

And then there is Jacob and his superstitious sticks, and Laban trying to trick his son-in-law out of the speckled, spotted and black sheep by giving them to his sons. There is nothing to this technique to producing spotted lambs, just superstition. God must smile… with sadness.

God must have a sense of humour to work with us. Our silly, foolish ways, trying to get ahead in this sad, mixed up world.

But God is also patient, and kind. He continues to work out His plan of kingdom restoration through His people, through His promised land. He multiplies Jacob’s family, and Jacob’s wealth, so that he can fulfill his mission to bring God’s blessing to all people. If Laban had only understood this, he might not have been so tricky and deceptive, and worked more with Jacob – because his wealth was the result of Jacob!

Do we think it is our conniving and striving that accomplishes God’s kingdom? Don’t you think we look funny, kind of vaudeville, when seen in fast-forward? If it wasn’t for God’s sense of humour, and His promise to work in, with and through us, we would never succeed.

God is growing His family. God is expanding His kingdom. And believe it or not, he is using our ridiculous efforts to do this.

Lord, thank You for Your patience and Your sense of humour, as well as Your willingness to work through us. Help us not to take ourselves too seriously, but to take You very seriously!


  1. Desperate Housewives

    These wives strove to position themselves on Jacob’s “ladder” so to speak.

    Yet their striving, in the end, produced nothing but a heritage of sons that would do the same against each other.

    Isn’t it far better to happy with what you have instead of striving and producing many that will cause you grief in the end?

  2. LORD, these scriptures reveal so much disfunction yet Your hand is upon them; the blessing of children, Jacob’s success in his work. LORD, no matter what messes we make, Your plans and purposes, Your promises, Your word cannot be comprimised. Thank You LORD that You are the one thing in our lives that is constant, remains true.

    LORD, today we witness so much disfunction within the body of believers. Your houses of worship are full of unhealthy competitions, trying to out do one another, judging, criticizing. So many times we act in our own strength, taking matters into our own hands and not waiting upon You. There is deceipt, distruction, broken relationships, unhealthy motives yet we can be assured just as these very scriptures reveal, You are at work! Your are the God of redemption! We praise You LORD that we cannot stop Your good and perfect plans and purposes. Your will will indeed be done despite us. Your promises remain true today just as they did in the past, and will remain true in the future. Thank You God!

  3. What rivalry within the family! How often do we try to outdo one another in God’s family? Although Jacob recognized that God was in control, he let his wives control him like a pawn. And to add insult to injury, the names of these children were constant reminders of the brokeness with God’s family. Difficult though it may be, we always need to rest upon His promises and not try to work His promises by wicked ways. Stand firm on His Word, Jacob. Stand firm on His Word, Christian!

    Laban realizes that he was blessed through Jacob’s presence because God had blessed him. I wonder if Jacob realized that with his nagging wives? Laban used Jacob to increase his wealth. God continues to move in mysterious mays His wonders to perform – ways that we do not understand, ways we can not fathom with rhyme or reason, ways that out of this world. I wonder where Jacob got the idea to change the colour of the goats? A wive’s tale? God spoke to Him?

    God’s presnce was seen by Laban. God’s plan will take place inspite of man’s foolish ways. I still pray, Your Kingdom come – and it will – despite my journey in His light. Continue to work through Your people Lord and may Your will be acomplished despite my feeble, sinful, misdirected ways.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.

    Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,
    More precious unto me than gold!
    I muse on their infinity,
    Awaking I am still with Thee.

    Search me, O God, my heart discern,
    Try me, my inmost thought to learn;
    And lead me, if in sin I stray,
    To choose the everlasting way.

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