Disappointed peace envoy

SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:41-44
Jesus is a disappointed peace envoy.
Right now many are urging Israel to stop fighting in Gaza.
But Israel is determined to solve their problems with war.
But no matter how justified they may feel, bombs will not produce peace.
Jesus stepped into our world, offering a way of peace.
Israel then did not accept it, and instead chose their own path.
A path that, Jesus knew, would eventually lead to more misery.
Jesus still intervenes today, appealing to us to choose the way of peace.
What are the things in your life that the Lord is speaking to you about.
Attitudes or behaviours or choices that, unchecked, will lead to misery for you?
Jesus weeps when we do not listen, because He knows the misery that follows.
Will Israel soon regret not pursuing the way of peace, when things get worse not better?
Will we regret not heeding the Lord’s invitations and warnings to accept Him and His way of peace?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are still intervening today with Your way of peace. And You are still weeping, because we do not listen. help us to understand Your way of peace… Help us to accept it!


  1. I was just thinking about this today! Then I stumbled upon this verse as I was reflecting on what it meant to have “peace” in our world. John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Peace, like a river. We sing this song often at church and I find I have trouble singing it. Peace. Tranquillity. I know my heart longs for that. The wars also created in mankind hearts can be deadly like a poison. We all need peace!

  2. Observation/Application
    What’s in a name?
    Jerusalem means city of peace.
    We ll desire peace and yet . . .
    it is hidden from our eyes because we insist upon going our own way – the error of our own way. Christ weeps over those who have rejected Him and their blindness. He weeps at the destruction that they bring upon themselves. Yet they do not turn to their Saviour. They live without God. They have rejected Him then and still do the same today.
    Open our eyes Lord and help us to see the error of our ways. Turn our eyes to Jesus, to see Him and to know Him and to live for Him this day. Then we may have the peace of Christ within us.

    My Jesus, My Savior,
    Lord, there is none like You;
    All of my days
    I want to praise
    the wonders of Your mighty love.

    My comfort, my shelter,
    Tower of refuge and strenght;
    let every breath, all that I am
    never cease to worship You.

    Shout to the Lord, all the earth,
    let us sing
    power and majesty, praise to the King;
    mountains bow down and the seas will roar
    at the sound of Your name.
    I sing for joy at the work of Your hands,
    forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand,
    nothing compares to the promise I have in you.

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