How little we know!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 20:27-40
“They can no longer die… they are children of the resurrection.” (Luke 20:36)
God designed humans for living, not dying.
Death is such a ‘normal’ part of life for us, we cannot imagine no death.
We know what we know (including how we understand marriage, and death, for example).
But the life that follows the final resurrection is beyond our ability to grasp.
Trying to understand life after death is like a child who just learned their numbers trying to explain the theory of relativity – it’s not illogical, it’s just beyond their grasp.
One day we will see it, experience it, and have a sense of it.
“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)
The Sadducees were thinking they understood reality from their finite vantage point; Jesus shows them that only God stands outside of time, only God can know and experience what life will one day be like.
I am no different; I’ve always assumed that marriage would be a part of that next life.
What life will be like then is a mystery, but one thing for sure – it will be awesome!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us our presumption, thinking that WE have the smarts to figure out Your eternal truths. Thank You that Your gift of life does not depend on our understanding it!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Once again the religious leaders tried to trap Jesus. They did not believe in life after death so why did they ask the question? Christ knew of their scheme.
    Marriage on earth, the women had nothing to say. She was given in marriage. The people had difficulty understanding the concept and all the more difficult to understand what marriage in heaven would be like.
    On earth the widow was comforted by a new partner but in heaven we will be with Christ. He will be all in all. Once again we have limited view – limited knowledge. But this I do know, that we will be united with Christ and He will comfort all. He will be our partner as He should also be today.
    Christ tells them that there is life after death. Those in Christ Jesus are alive forevermore and will reign with Him.

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Alive forevermore

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive forevermore

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive

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