To know and experience the real God!

I want people to know Who God really is.
I’m convinced that people cannot truly experience and enjoy life apart from knowing God.
When they know and experience God, they will be great (like Moses, Aaron, Samuel, etc.).
Not God as the church says He is, but God as He is.
God is holy, that is above and beyond all that we can think or conceive.
God is greater, God is better, God is more awesome than we can imagine.
God is good – loves justice, does what is right, a forgiving God, a God that disciplines in love.
Sad to say many who say they reject God are rejecting flawed ideas about God.
I don’t believe in the God that many people say they cannot believe in either.
But like the Psalmist, I want people to know and experience God as He really is.
Their lives will never be the same, their hearts will finally know joy and hope and peace.
Please do not give up on God because of the bad pictures of God many people hold.
God is real, God is great, God is good – beyond what any of us can realize.
This God is worth exalting, worshiping, knowing, relating to, loving!
This is the God that is reaching out to you, speaking to you out of the cloud and darkness of your life.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to know and experience You as You really are. And I want others to as well. Help us overcome our flawed and limited theologies (ideas about God) and enter into Your unlimited realities!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    He reigns!
    Let all within me cry Holy. Holy is the Lord God almighty.
    He is just and true. doing what is right .
    Call upon Him and He will answer.
    Keep His ways.
    Help me daily to walk in Your SonShine Lord
    lead me in the Way always.

    Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim;
    All ye His servants, praise His Name,
    Who in the Lord’s house ever stand
    And humbly serve at His command.
    The Lord is good, His praise proclaim;
    Since it is pleasant, praise His Name;
    His people for His own He takes
    And His peculiar treasure makes.

    I know the Lord is high in state,
    Above all gods our Lord is great;
    The Lord performs what He decrees,
    In heaven and earth, in depths and seas.
    He makes the vapors to ascend
    In clouds from earth’s remotest end;
    The lightnings flash at His command,
    He holds the tempest in His hand.

    Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim;
    All ye His servants, praise His Name,
    Who in the Lord’s house ever stand
    And humbly serve at His command,
    Forever praise and bless His Name,
    And in the church His praise proclaim;
    In Zion is His dwelling place;
    Praise ye the Lord, show forth His grace.

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