The fullness of God in Jesus!

“Clouds and thick darkness surround him.” (Psalm 97:2)
God is a mystery and will always be one.
When we use words to describe God, or our God-experiences, the words fall far short.
No matter what we say about God, it will always be a cosmic understatement.
The Psalmist tries to describe God – the mystery and majesty and mercy of God.
All of the worlds religions – new and old – also try to describe God.
But I believe that there is no better description than we find in Jesus.
Jesus is best picture of God – mystery, majesty and mercy – all rolled into one.
He reigns, He is righteous, He guards the lives of the faithful, he delivers them from evil.
He brings light to those in darkness, and joy to those in despair.
We are fools to underestimate God, or to think our theologies are complete.
If we want to fully experience God, Jesus is our best option.
“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” (Colossians 2:9-10)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for showing me what God is like. Remind me that my ideas and theologies are limited, cosmic understatements. Remind me that You are the only way I can fully, truly experience God.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The first verse of the Psalm says it all = ‘The Lord reigns’!
    And all within me cry glory to His name.
    And so does all creation.
    Only He is God.
    Do good.
    Hate evil.
    Love what God loves.
    Hate what He hates.
    Let His light shine upon u
    and help me see as You see Lord.
    Help me see the world through Your eyes
    so I can love what You love
    hate what You hate.
    Help me this day to praise Your name
    in all I do and say.

    He is Lord, He is Lord!
    He is risen from the dead
    And He is Lord!

    Every knee shall bow
    Every tongue confess
    That Jesus Christ is Lord!

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