Will I invest?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:11-27
Jesus tells this parable to make it clear that God’s kingdom would not appear at once.
From the story line, it seems that He will go away for a time, and leave His servants in charge.
They will work for Him while He is away, and then give an account when He returns.
Many will oppose His appointment as king, but He will be appointed anyway.
When He returns, He will reward His supporters and punish His detractors.
In other words, we are presently living in the time when the king is away.
While we wait, we are to work with the resources He has assigned to us.
Those who multiply their resources for God (invest in heavenly treasure) will be richly rewarded.
Those who waste or neglect their resources from God (invest in themselves) will lose their reward.
What am I doing with my life, with the resources God has entrusted to me?
Am I advancing the good kingdom of God, or my own self-centred kingdom?
This need not be a burden, it is an opportunity!
God has blessed me with SO MUCH; why wouldn’t I want to share that blessing with others?
God’s kingdom will not just magically appear, I need to work towards it until Jesus returns.
My life today is a part of this kingdom investment opportunity… will I invest?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, now is the time, today is the day. I can use my blessings to bless others, or I can bury them. Help me to see that Your kingdom is all about blessing people, and in that way I will be blessed!


  1. This reminds me of my father in law for some reason. Maybe it’s hearing the word “invest”. He is always on top knowledge when it comes to retirement, saving plans and investing your money. I usually just shrug and say “I don’t need to worry about these things for that’s a ‘future’ goal. This reminds me that it is important to invest now working for Jesus. Not somewhere in the ‘future’. Because He is going to return and when He does I want to be ready! I want to know I at least tried my best to follow His teachings and that I could be used somehow for His purposes.

  2. Observation/Application
    The world belongs to God – all of it – even the ones who hate Him are His subjects. And all have been given talents to do work in His kingdom. All are made to serve. However, not all serve the Master. Tow of the servants used their gifts in service. To earn more they also must have faced trials but they were faithful. The third followed the law – didn’t even invest to get interest for this was against the law for his own people.

    This parable was just before Jesus went to Jerusalem showing that He must die in order to live. He reigns because of that death and will judge His citizens. He is King and He alone – and some of the people will serve and others . . . . He will come to judge and take His own unto Himself and those who rejected His authority, power and dominion – will be lost forever. They are dead to the world because they have rejected His reign.

    Christ is alive – alive forevermore – and He reigns.

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Alive forevermore

    Alive alive alive forevermore

    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive forevermore

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

    My Jesus is alive

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