Do I even want this kind of love?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 18:18-30
Would you ever consider selling everything you have to help the poor?
Can you ever imagine yourself getting to this point?
Where you are more concerned about the poor, than about yourself?
If this is what we need to do to inherit eternal life, “who then can be saved?”
If it were up to me, I know I couldn’t… I’m nowhere near this kind of compassion.
Jesus reminds me that (1) this is God’s goal for me, and (2) He can help me do the impossible.
The problem with this man was not that he was wealthy, but that he was unwilling.
The kingdom of God is where people love God and others more than themselves.
If I do not want this kind of love, then I do not want the kingdom of God.
The problem is not that I do not love like this, the problem is when I don’t want to.
Of course we cannot love like this, it’s contrary to our sinful nature.
But God offers us BOTH forgiveness for our failure AND the power to live like this.
It is not an instant change, but a lifetime process of walking with Jesus.
It is a journey, of taking small steps in the right direction, slowly improving with the Spirit’s help.
Do I want to get to the place where I would give up my wealth, even my life – willingly, eagerly – to help someone else?
Yes, it is impossible for me, but not for God… and God is offering to help me.
Will I walk away from this offer, or do I want this kingdom life, do I want to be like God!
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this is the kind of love I was made for. Save me from my self-love, and help me love like You. Help me love God and others more than my money, my possessions, my comforts and pleasures.


  1. My prayer is these three lines from the song “Hosanna”

    Show me how to love like you have loved me
    Break my heart for what breaks yours
    Everything I am for your kingdom’s cause

    I am nowhere near this kind of love. It seems impossible. I do, however, see glimpses of the power of the smallest acts of love – a kind word, a hug at the right moment, a note, a small gift, a smile. Wealth/stuff focuses us inward, when Jesus wants our focus to be on others. I have read this passage in a discouraged way before — feeling like I have to give up everything. Today it seems inspiring — Imagine if we all put our stuff aside and took care of each other as God intended!!

  2. Observation/Application
    The question asked shows that the ruler could do works to inherit the kingdom. Rather, it is through grace – a gift of God.
    Knowing – Doing – Loving . . . hess three go together. Knowing the Word means doing the Word, but it must be done out of love and not obligation – like the prodigal son – the one who stayed home doing what he felt as obligations to the Father. What kept him home? The wealth of the inheritance?

    How do I use my gifts that the Lord has entrusted to me? What about my riches? My possessions? Where do I cast my anchor?

    Lord help me each day anew to use all what I have in Your service. As You have given ‘gifts’ for Your people, so I too need to use my gifts for the people. All what I have is Thine alone to be used in Your service. Help me to live that today and always.

    We give Thee but Thine own,
    Whate’er the gift may be;
    All that we have is Thine alone,
    A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
    May we Thy bounties thus
    As stewards true receive,
    And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
    To Thee our firstfruits give.

    O hearts are bruised and dead,
    And homes are bare and cold,
    And lambs for whom the Shepherd bled
    Are straying from the fold.

    To comfort and to bless,
    To find a balm for woe,
    To tend the lone and fatherless
    Is angels’ work below.

    The captive to release,
    To God the lost to bring,
    To teach the way of life and peace—
    It is a Christ-like thing.

    And we believe Thy Word,
    Though dim our faith may be;
    Whate’er for Thine we do, O Lord,
    We do it unto Thee.

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